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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I'm not protecting him I'm just saying he doesn't seem like much of a threat compared to a potential KY threat. Cat 5's been lethargic at best, but we don't know much about KY if he's been lying and he can dodge the block with his drive.
  2. I mean, I led the Cat 5 train the other day, and would have saw it through. If we really want to go for Cat 5 first, then fine, I'll just seal KY away and we can get him the next day, but if something bad happens, don't blame me. Maybe it's tunnel vision, but I just see Cat 5's move as the last dying gasp of a bussing teammate, but eh... ##Vote Cat 5
  3. Though that was since I was already on the wiki. My action specifically says "for future phases" so that's why I'm interpreting it that way. I assume Retal pulled from the list though. I guess maybe it's not the traditional order of operations maybe, but point being it wasn't my idea
  4. This is what the wiki has to say in regards to night action resolution and conflict: https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Natural_Action_Resolution
  5. I mean, I don't know to what end. But he seems to kind of be half-assing things. Which is part of why I want to go after KY first.
  6. Cat 5 is just bussing he's on his last legs he knows they're going to lose.
  7. Maybe we all collectively toned it down, which is pretty good TBH. Though ILTS role, potentially, would like a word, maybe. Will have to wait for post game to find out for sure.
  8. I mean to be fair, it's generally a good order of operations I'm not necessarily disagreeing with it. I'm just saying it's not my fault
  9. Bolded appears to be classic AtE https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Appeal_to_Emotion
  10. I mean, it's simple order of operations. Blame the creator of mafia not me for that. As for the rando track, the focus was supposed to be on being a mason and being good at being a mason. The track was secondary. I didn't want a OP role because frankly we've all been being too OP lately in our CYORs and it's been kinda ridiculous.
  11. I mean I can, but it takes place at the end of the night, so he'd be able to get off whatever night trickery he has in store first, but assuming we get to that point and nothing interferes I could deliver him in a box tomorrow, but I have a feeling something will go wrong before then.
  12. I should say, in some scenarios, the whole conversion thing is just made up to give you some more longevity.
  13. If you have a driver you can probably get around the blocks, though that might stall kills, so I guess it would be a stalemate, but eh. It would mean the block would go onto one of us, however. If we're wrong, we can still block Cat 5 though, and we're only losing a neutral.
  14. I think we should go for KY first. He's potentially more dangerous, if solely for the fact that he's more active, and activity equals power. Cat 5 we can probably just block and deal with tomorrow, he might not even check in at this rate. ##Vote Killing_You
  15. I mean that's one argument, but I already explained how you could be converted N1 or N2 and the cop report would be wrong.
  16. Personally I think my sense of humor is much better than Shade's, but if that's how little you think of me, wow
  17. Maybe it's a Me/KY team after all I'm an over the top, snarky bastard, I won't apologize for it
  18. I mean, I can't help you with that. You're just going to have to use your critical thinking. I mean, I was trying to be a good mason partner with KY, but sometimes enough is enough. Who's more suspicious, the one keeping the secret that could be bad, or the actual one with the secret that could be bad?
  19. Up until recently my conviction was not nearly as strong. I was operating under the assumption of one scum. Have you been paying attention? At this point, backed into a corner, you almost have to bus. I wouldn't expect anything else.
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