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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean, it proves my point though. You're perfectly capable of pulling a fast one.
  2. Yeah, GoT. I didn't think you were rebel for the longest time.
  3. I mean, the thing is, you could just be lying. This is a game of lying.
  4. I guess they did seem kinda buddy buddy just now. Elaborate. I'm having trouble putting in to words what I'm trying to say, but I'm not satisfied with what's going on at all.
  5. You know, truthfully, I would say yes I guess. After all, I led with saying I didn't think it was you. However the fact that you say you did something and I can't see it has me worried. The passive you have might not be BP but some kind of scum passive and it could all just be a cover.
  6. And damn it, that was my 8000th post, I was going to comment on that fact IN the post in question.
  7. Like, it was a big deal, I'm surprised you missed it.
  8. I'm still masoned with KY. It's one shot and he had the choice to cut me off or extend, and he chose to extend. He was going to verify my track on Louis that is apparently inaccurate, or Louis is lying.
  9. I'd go back and look but Jeod will probably do the work for me.
  10. I mean, just tell us what time it was roughly and we can compare it to the thread at that time. You don't have to direct quote or anything. Like say "3 pm Wednesday" or whatever.
  11. I think I remember him saying that but I kinda phased it out of my mind because that's so unusual.
  12. A death amulet would be very D&D themed.... it wouldn't be very town themed though and ILTS was town... unless maybe the death amulet is good?
  13. YOU KNOW WHAT. I wonder if this is the result of some of ILTS BS Day actions if they were mid-day. Because usually we get some kind of indication if something happens mid-day.
  14. Like, as the day was going on? That's.... highly irregular....
  15. Like... if we're all throwing out these ideas.... it's like it had death on it but the death came out of it at some point.
  16. It sounded like Louis said it had death markings BEFORE we didn't have a death though, so it's kind of jumping the gun. I mean, I'm suspicious of it too, but I'm not quite sure what to make of it yet.
  17. That's the one I usually use but it's always nice to change things up every once in awhile.
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