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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Eh I thought of it more as a guest list to the gala but wanted a more generic term, it's like some fancy device.
  2. Though that said I'm also gonna try to make it not-obvious who gets it, so as to protect that person.
  3. You guys are free to campaign for who I pass the Party Profiler to, as I'm quite torn, though FRAYDO might be able to steal it first so it might be all for not (if he choose to do so :p) so maybe somebody would want to do something about that
  4. I mean, he could have had that prepared. If anyone's prepared, it's always Cat 5. But like I said, if we're going with no lynch, I'm fine with that today.
  5. I'm actually pretty disappointed, because as often as I'm scum here, I've never randed scum yet on MU.
  6. I mean, next time I'm scum, it gives me the idea to just pretend to be a mason with my partner. Though now that I've said it, it won't work here. Will probably have to save it for a rare closed setup on MU.
  7. Which, if you think that, okay I guess, but wow would that be a bold strategy.
  8. You should all be able to verify our masonry given the content of what KY and I have said, and we've both independently revealed information from the same info pool at different times, so either we have a masonry or we're BOTH the scum team.
  9. I'm down with no lynch today btw, I just haven't formally voted for it.
  10. I mean, I'm kinda agro on FRAYDO (that's obvious to everyone), but at the same time, nobody's CC'd Sunflower... though if something more complex is going on IDK.
  11. The thing is, I'm a bit neutral on some of the things Jeod has said, so he actually hasn't quite reached that level, but some of the things he's said are a bit reachy. But I'll admit my starting position this time of the Voe Voters being more likely scum was a bit reachy too, so...
  12. You're more similar to Shade than you'll ever admit.
  13. Maybe, I was just wondering if it could somehow interfere with my Party Profiler reading, but we're probably stacking too many building blocks up here.
  14. What exactly happened with this ILTS to FRAYDO interaction again?
  15. I mean, from past experience, do X, Y times objectives are pretty common for TP.
  16. Use your ability to cause chaos of some kind/use it to disrupt the game/use it to cause kills/you might have other powers you've failed to inform us about.
  17. As I've said, I've started to think of you as TP not neutral, so my trust of you is at a premium
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