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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. If I had to guess, it doubles his vote power against you or something. /Shade
  2. By mail is actually a good idea because you can send certified and get a receipt saying they signed for it.
  3. On topic too, between matches, I'm still a bit wishy washy at present time. I agree with Sunflower, I kinda want to see what happens when we actually vote Voe. Maybe something cool will happen. ##vote Voe
  4. Also that reminds me, my avatar is Mangus the 6 year old, who's birthday party is ruined by a rude clown. It's from a game of paint-telephone over at MU that I found hilarious. I'll have something more fitting for my avatar in a few hours (or sooner) as soon as I'm done messing around in pokemon trading card online for the afternoon.
  5. TBH we're more German than Irish but my mom is like one of those people obsessed with being Irish. I don't really care for it.
  6. While at college, I met no less than 4 people with the same First-Middle combo as me (though not last, last is somewhat rare), and it was a small college. When I told my mom she was genuinely surprised because she thought she'd picked out something unique. Like... my first name is literally the top baby name in America for over 100 years, whereas my middle name is the stereotype Irish name. It's not creative.
  7. Same middle name might be a good way to start a tradition. I actually have a different middle name than my dad, but most places that keep records don't care because there's no field for middle name or initial and it's a pet peeve of mine for obvious reasons
  8. I have the same name as my dad and sometimes that causes problems, so if you did that, be wary
  9. I'm awake. Slept for 13 hours, which is a bit disorienting. Don't exactly trust ILTS, but I need some time before actually making a decision. I don't think anything good can come of actually voting him, but he does have a point in that not much is actually happening so it's not like I have any plan. We could rehash the same no-lynch argument as always, I suppose, but eh....
  10. I've switched to soda but I'm up to 10 caffeinated drinks in the day now.
  11. I only had 4 drinks but they were like pouring beer sized servings of straight liquor.
  12. God, I'm back, and there was an open bar, and I didn't really sleep because it was an outdoor wedding in the rain so my nose was all stuffy and I couldn't sleep last night so now I've literally had 7 cups of coffee today but I'm not going to bed because then I'll wake up at 2 am and my whole sleep schedule will be shot to hell so I'm just going to stay up to midnight like usual but I'm going to be useless. So to answer ILTS' question, I'm town.
  13. I'll participate by changing my avatar to this completely unrelated joke that has nothing to do with my role at all while I'm away, and will change it to something more fitting upon my return. (Sunflower will get it)
  14. If I get back to find out I'm already dead, next CYOR I'm picking jester.
  15. I'll be gone Saturday and Sunday, and while I'll technically be here Friday, I'll be busy with packing/taking care of things that are needed for going on a trip. The wedding venue is a pokestop, so you can expect to feel my presence in other ways (Given the dress code for the wedding is shorts and a t-shirt, I have a feeling nobody is going to mind if I spin the stop a few times during the reception).
  16. I mean, it happened to me that one game, remember.
  17. There was actually a game on MU recently where somebody got hit with an ability where they were gimmicked into having to translate everything into Hindi and then back into English for every post, and many memes were born.
  18. Buddy, you can delay it as long as you need to. You do what you need to do.
  19. Yeah, we're not the most careful bunch. I'm not worried about anybody doing it on purpose, but I think a big size 40 header saying SPOILER FREE at the top of the dead doc might be a good idea.
  20. Just realized something I need to bring up too. Starting the 25th I will be 100% unavailable for a good long weekend. If we can get the game in before then, great, but if it runs into that then that's a problem.
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