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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Given how actions have resolved so far, being tracked might not have generated a report. Others have reported not knowing they've been visited, correct?
  2. Well my track is random (exclude one) so I didn't exactly pick. I thought it was just claimed BP anyway, though it's not exactly like Louis is known for explaining things. She did previously claim not to have any abilities though aside from that I'm pretty sure, so now being a thief should be a red flag.
  3. What? That's not what my report showed? My report showed you did nothing 0_o
  4. I mean, normally you'd want me to speak up first for verification, but since I told you, we can do that anyway (unless people still think we're both in cahoots together). I'm just being polite letting Louis explain what she did or didn't do first, but I guess if people demand it, I can go ahead and say it first.
  5. I will not confirm or deny to preserve the WIFOM shield, but I've told KY the reason and he can confirm if I have a good reason or not, at the very least. I'm basically waiting for Louis to speak first though, and then I'll elaborate more, so I'm not gonna keep it undercover forever.
  6. Right now I don't want to say too much, but I don't think it's Louis. Also, the kill could have been a delayed result of the Dutch gimmick, I suppose, if we're keeping all options open.
  7. Yeah, I passed the thing. Not going to say to who cause they need another night to use it, so to protect them from any shenanigans in the meantime.
  8. Inb4 Nodlied makes some remark about being the true king or something. But hmmm indeed. I have to go make dinner now though, so I'll mull this over during that time.
  9. Well, that's unfortunate, but, while I don't want to say it was ILTS fault, you can really see how it happened. I stand by my decision at the time, even if it turned out to be wrong, and am suspicious of those trying to gymnastic their way out of it or around the edges. Louis: Was this amulet something you came up with, or was it a random item you just happened to start with? (I don't know if you're at night post limit but I know a lot of people are, so if so, just wait till day to answer). Also Nodlied, it's been bugging me, but if Rifleman is not the most common unit, what is?
  10. I'd unvote to let this happen, but eh, I'll own it. I did say he was suspicious for much the same reasons as everyone else has said. ##Vote ILTS
  11. Yeah really, I was gonna take a nap if things weren't gonna happe
  12. Huh.... well if the vote splits it's possible neither of them will get voted up if you guys actually want them to be voted. Is there any compelling reason you want one over the other?
  13. (Not copy-pasting the whole thing) I also admit that Sunflower could be caught up in all this.... but I'm just going to choose to believe she's actually the doctor... SOMEONE has to be town besides me, so I'll add her to the list for now.
  14. So a short summary of where I'm at. I'll start by saying it's possible to case nearly every damn person in the game, which isn't good, so I don't particularly fault ILTS for that though I agree in general it's not a good look. That's not to say I don't rate some people more highly or lowly than others. While I was unhappy with KY, he's provided good summaries today, and while I don't rule out him being TP yet, for the moment I'm willing to go less agro on him/give him a second chance if he's willing to keep up those contributions. Using his classification methods, I agree the most concern is in the Louis/Cat 5 area, but I don't have anything to personally sort there so I really can't say. I don't know if I buy Cat 5's claim, but I caution everyone from buying it simply on the grounds that you like the character he claimed. Picking a good character to be, or pretend to be (it might not even be who he really is) doesn't mean he's a goodie, and we can't verify. I'd give the same rant about Louis but we know diddly squat about her, so.... As for FRAYDO, I don't like how shifty he's been I don't need to rehash that. In regards to others, as far as ILTS/Nodlied goes, I think Nodlied is better than ILTS, and I agree ILTS has been acting weird, in multiple ways. Honestly, I could really say that about Jeod and Chopbam too, but Jeod isn't pinging my alarm bells as much, maybe because of the way he's going about things, and Chopbam always sets me off, so... Like, Jeod may be proposing some "interesting" ideas but at least he admits they might be long shots. ILTS seems more Shadian (despite my earlier snark, just couldn't resist then :v) I also admit that Sunflower could be caught up in all this.... but I'm just going to choose to believe she's actually the doctor... SOMEONE
  15. I'm done with pokemon for the time being, and will pay more attention from now until hammer, so I'll more formally join the vote for no lynch, if we can't decide. I'll have more in a few minutes, once I actually get settled. ##Vote No Lynch
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