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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. And if it happened one time that doesn't negate what I said as I said TENDS not an absolute anyway.
  2. I wasn't there for that and I'm not reading the whole thread
  3. A more generalized SK, maybe, but we rarely have those for some reason, so I'll hold off on putting any bets on it for now. That specific flavor I'd bet heavily against though.
  4. I wasn't really paying attention to your avatar, I'm eating dinner
  5. Also for a serious answer, I'd expect one pokemon/pokemon char at most, though if anyone was gonna be it, it'd be me (and I'm not). I had like 5 dozen good ones lined up... a year ago... and I forgot all of them long before sign ups for this...
  6. Though that figure probably doesn't count the tea pokemon which is the best ever.
  7. Just how many pokemon do you think we have?
  8. Only Verti games give out prizes, and I doubt he's willing to give any of us any of his hard earned cash after GoT
  9. I have a strong latent dislike of dinosaurs from the time my sister watched Jurassic Park every day for like two months straight, so no.
  10. No, I have no idea what this obsession with Pyke is about
  11. Yes I'm town. No I'm not a pirate. I suppose I should go look for an avatar now, I honestly wasn't expecting this to start today, even though intellectually I knew it was supposed to, so I'm ill prepared. I forgot what I had planned.
  12. That first EoD is dangerously close to community day's ending so I may be busy for it. Good thing D1 is meme day
  13. Jeod we are only 8 days away from 100,000 xp in pokemon go if we keep sending gifts back and forth, 200,000 if we both use a lucky egg at the time of opening the last gift.
  14. I declare myself the winner. Commemorative T-Shirts will be available next month.
  15. My troops are fine, as far as I can tell absolutely nothing happened to me.
  16. Does it look like anything new is happening over here?
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