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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Given how many people are working cross-alignment this game, I wouldn't be surprised if Sunflower is the first to be told.
  2. I mean, I'd like it to be higher, for obvious reasons, but the point being I don't have enough provisions to do 1000 again, and clearly we want to do max.
  3. Yeah and cause some other asshole attacked my provisions now I can't revive at an optimal rate until I trade for more from Cat 5 either. Nice job guys!
  4. How about the view where I reduced the number of bodies last night by reviving soldiers, only for some asshole to come along and just make them bodies again.
  5. The zombies can't get to him because he's on this side of the wall.
  6. If Shade somehow goes back to the wall that would be acceptable. I'll negotiate with people that aren't Shade.
  7. I'm not negotiating with you I'm telling you your days are numbered.
  8. I unfortunately cannot eliminate the free folk, probably. I can, however, eliminate you.
  9. Then I'll also let you know, I still have enough provisions to use it
  10. That's what I did yesterday and it didn't work, so fuck off.
  11. I should also warn you all, if you fools attempt it a third try, that because I finally upgraded Riverrun to tier 2 last night, I unlocked a powerful defensive boost to army combat.
  12. "Allowing more freefolk past the wall" seems to be code for an invasion of Riverrun, given what Voe was up to
  13. Existing provisions, though given we don't have a chart of over time how much we've had, it's hard to say how much. Regardless, the exact message said some of my provisions were DESTROYED, as in my stockpile.
  14. It's not Cat 5, and I don't think the people at the wall have that power, at least not the one's still accounted for at the wall. Retal would be suspect number 1 but he's a builder apparently. I'm on good terms with Jeod it wouldn't be him, and Louis just got there and likely doesn't have use of powers just yet. We know where Voe went, so he's accounted for.
  15. The armies can be a simple one person affair, but unless the person sending the army is also the one using attacks that lower my provisions or morale, then there's two people.
  16. Well the attacks targeting my army morale and provisions sound like special powers to me.
  17. It looks like one of those cheesy 90s cartoons like skeletor or something.
  18. Uh huh. And both nights the attacks have been two pronged, IE, actual battle with troops, and another special effect on me attacking morale/provisions etc. That seems like coordination
  19. No, I just have no interest in hearing you spin yarns.
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