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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Eh, you'll have to explain the joke, unfortunately. I remember Louis was the miller, right?
  2. It's that, and Mojo was actually trying to be helpful earlier, and isn't that generally a sign he's scum? I'll cast the first lot. I don't expect everyone to get down off their high horse if I don't first. ##Vote Mojoman
  3. What makes me more likely to be lynched today is the fact that I continue to participate, but I have a desire to be productive.
  4. Let me introduce you guys to an acronym I picked up over at Mafia Universe: DADV. It means Dead Air Dead Villager. In other words, if there's no serious discussion going on, chances are the person on the chopping block is a townie. This actually kinda makes me want to see the Mojo angle pushed, as that dedication to chaos might be a more consensus bad/scum play we're ignoring in favor of digging our heels in over Retal.
  5. If that's dissatisfaction, then maybe, amazingly, we agree on something
  6. Well we have a little less than 40 minutes before there are consequences of our actions.
  7. ##Vote Retaliation I don't want to self-pres onto KY. There's not even a case against him, is there?
  8. I was neutral on the actual vote. It's clearly Louis' standard D1 "joke" vote. My warning was just a reminder I'm on to the fact that she plays scum just like she plays town so I'm not going to go easy on her anymore.
  9. He got mad at Louis for voting Irish and didn't explain why, for one, which I've repeatedly asked for an explanation. Again, it might be TOO blatant, but like, there's not much room to maneuver there.
  10. You know, I want to say Shade's just salty... but he did work so hard to try and convince me there may be multiple pokemon....
  11. I mean, I won't fault Shade for voting me, but like I said, I'll defend myself against any serious attempt to lynch me D1. However what I expect more of is people putting forth courses of action instead of useless abstaining, in that, I do salute you, and your reasoning. I mean, to be honest, like I've said a few times, I want some more from Retal to explain that anger fist, though on the other hand I don't think a Retal-Irish combo would make such a blatant move.
  12. Also the people whining about no lynch aren't putting forth anything productive themselves. I've been the most damn productive player this entire game so far.
  13. I'm warning everyone now, if this trend continues, I will defend myself, but I'd rather not out my abilities and give that info to scum this early in the game, k thanks.
  14. What a troll. I'm back now. Regardless of what we do, do you people really want to follow someone with Shade's track record?
  15. Alas, I must head out now. My vote on no lynch is merely to try and spark a productive discourse, though. If you guys somehow manage to pull something else out while I'm gone, well then good. I guess to go a step further, Retal, seriously, why the anger fist at the vote on Irish? That's sadly all I have time for. I *should* be back at least an hour before hammer, and will re-evaluate at that time, but unexpected things could happen.
  16. Even if you weren't a part of it, the sheer magnitude of the salt surely raises your blood pressure, even an ocean away
  17. You must have missed where I "needlessly" killed Shade in GoT, leading to his current vote on me
  18. TBH finding out might help scum more than town Granted, I would like to nail scum more than anything. I'm a believer in D1 lynch succeeding, but I don't think we've done enough to really determine anything, and I'm going to be away most of the afternoon (but I'm pretty sure I'll be back before deadline) Therefore, I'll start the formal ##vote no lynch training rolling, even though it's not really *my* idea.
  19. Wow dead overnight... usually I wake up to 4-5 posts... Also forgot Cat 5 was in this game
  20. That's not a good thing, Shade Though I guess for obvious reasons, all the investigative people are going to be locked on us two now
  21. Well now it's just a big can of WIFOM I trust everyone else will put their thinking caps on if anything bad happens to me, and thank them for participating in this experiment I'm running
  22. You think scum would ruin this argument taking up valuable real-estate during the day? That goes doubly if Shade actually is scum (though I don't particularly think he is at the moment).
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