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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Yes, but if that's the case, you shouldn't be arguing with me unless it's me specifically.
  2. I can, but as I'd *hope* you all know I'm rather judicious with my votes, and I'm pretty sure whenever Retal gets back he'll provide ample evidence, one way or another, for further review, so I don't really feel the need to pressure at this time. Unless he comes back and acts like obstinate or something, but that's not really in character for him.
  3. Also I woke up early today and have a doctors appointment later and the time until I have to leave for it is just streeeeeeetching. Like, it's not even a stressful doctor's appointment or anything, I'm just super bored.
  4. I mean, there's no early hammer, so do what you want. What *I* want is to wait and see, because several people haven't checked in, and the fact that there's no early hammer means I'll get my way
  5. And I say this as someone who would currently agree with your vote.
  6. While you do have a point that scum might not understand if something's a signal, that goes FOR THIS GAME, in general, in mafia, ONLY scum are certain. Don't be a lemmimg.
  7. You know, I was going to say some things about D1 and obvious jokes, but with mafia out of contact and potential signalling.... it's too early in the morning for this level of WIFOM...
  8. I mean, I'm not going to stop doing what I'm doing, nor am I particularly annoyed by you in particular forming a potential wagon on me for that matter, but I must admit, that's a 100/100 gif.
  9. As already established, my "vibes" are the same regardless of if I'm town or scum, and I act that way deliberately so that when I'm scum I have cover
  10. Anywho, I have to go take care of some things, I'll ponder more possibilities while away, but if people want to speculate I think that's actually a valid question more than anything radical Shade will come up with
  11. Nice save Though I just had a thought: If mafia are not in contact with each other, how does the NK even work? Does everyone submit a target and ILTS rand it? Does only one of them actually have the NK power? Is there actually only one mafia after all?
  12. It's not a rule of the game, it's just a rule of good mafia play. Claiming vanilla narrows down who scum should nk just as if you'd claimed a power role.
  13. What part of don't claim vanilla didn't you understand?
  14. "A Clue" (TM) can take many forms. (Don't @ me)
  15. If there's a mystery then I assume we'll get a clue, and we can work it out from there
  16. That's what I thought. Well then, for now, I will continue to operate as if this is a fairly basic game
  17. If you're scum and you successfully gaslight me I'm probably going to legit be angry on some level.
  18. I mean, I don't want to do this, but Shade, are you SERIOUSLY claiming space station, or are you just spouting random BS? Your answer will seriously impact my view of this game.
  19. I mean, while I said I'm suspicious of the wording in the OP, this is *supposed* to be a non-crazy game, so...
  20. Cop and doctor in an 8 player setup is generally considered town-OP by most game design standards.
  21. Honestly I kinda glazed over at Shade's antics already, but this made me realize, I better say it now before anybody gets any "bright" ideas. Mafia 101: If you're vanilla: do NOT claim vanilla. All it does is narrow down for scum who the power roles are, and who they should night kill first.
  22. I mean, if there's more than one mafia, they have to find each other.... or not... (personally if I was mafia, I'd not bother), so we could, potentially, see some mafia signalling going on, but I don't particularly see how that would make Shade's usual antics useful.
  23. Like if you're really some esoteric BS and pro-town it'd be really dumb to just say that.
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