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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I'd like to congratulate the players on this being the first night everyone's gotten their orders in in a timely manner. Daystart will probably be around 5:30 EST, as I'm actually not pressured for time today ironically, and I don't want to start it too soon.
  2. Mr. Pokemon's defeat seems to snap him out of his enraged trance. "Huh, you're with the gym leaders' conference? Why didn't you say so! Yes I've seen some shady people. They even contracted me to provide rare and valuable eggs that I always discover on my travels. Sadly I don't quite remember their descriptions, but I do remember one of them had a Voltorb! I don't think I can be of too much more assistance, but I'll become your ally." (KY will be PMed with additional rewards) But wait, what's this? A meowth comes out of the forest... and it TALKS. "Hey there, I'm with Team Rocket! Or at least I used to be. I want to defect! You seem strong Killing You, and thus I too pledge my allegiance to you!" (Killing You may now make UNLIMITED night posts using Meowth's special power!) This is considered night start, only two posts from here on out (unless you're Killing You!)
  3. Togetic's attack stat sucks hardcore. Didn't realize that when I made this encounter.
  4. Sunny Day refreshed! Togetic used Fly! It's super effective. Does 35 damage, bringing Sunflora to 115/150 (Forgot to mention Solar Beam was not very effective btw) Sunflora uses Solar beam! It's not very effective! Does 65 damage, causing Togetic to faint! INVESTIGATION SUCCESSFUL. PLEASE STAND BY.
  5. I rolled a d100, it needed 96-100 to miss, and it got 96 exactly, lol
  6. Sunflora used Synthasis! Health restored to max (150) Togetic used fly.... it misses! Sunflora used Solar Beam. It does 65 damage! Togetic at 17 HP Togetic used fly! It flew up high into the sky! (Same deal)
  7. Sunflora used Sunny Day! Sunlight shines harshly for 5 turns! Togetic used Fly! It flew up high into the sky! (You may post 2 moves since you'll miss it)
  8. As Killing You scouts Route 30, he sees Mr. Pokemon patroling near his house. He's acting funny, all twitchy and whatnot, and he gets agitated when he sees our intrepid investigator. "Hey, no tresspassing!" He sends out his Togetic to battle! Sunflora (Level 50) HP: 130/150 vs Togetic (Level 30) HP: 82 Investigation Start!
  9. Killing You and Jeod are tied. RNG determines Killing You will face the investigation! (Spoiler, it's level 50 Sunflora vs level 30 Togetic held by Mr. Pokemon. Please allow 30 minutes for investigation to begin) CVC Killing_You/Jeod tied for trainer Route 30 leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan/trainer, Route 30/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 3. Retaliation - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 4. Shade939 - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket 5. Killing_You - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket 6. Brigitte - Jeod/trainer, Shade/rocket 7. Cat 5 - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket
  10. CVC Killing_You/Jeod tied for trainer Route 30 leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan/trainer, Route 30/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 3. Retaliation - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 4. Shade939 - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket 5. Killing_You - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket 6. Brigitte - Jeod/trainer, Shade/rocket 7. Cat 5 - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket
  11. CVC Killing_You leads trainer Route 30 leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan/trainer, Route 30/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 3. Retaliation - Route 30/rocket 4. Shade939 - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket 5. Killing_You - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket 6. Brigitte - Jeod/trainer, Shade/rocket 7. Cat 5 - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket
  12. CVC Killing_You leads trainer Route 30 leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan/trainer, Route 30/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 3. Retaliation - Route 30/rocket 4. Shade939 - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket 5. Killing_You - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket 6. Brigitte - Brigitte/trainer, Shade/rocket 7. Cat 5 - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket
  13. CVC Killing_You leads trainer Route 30 leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan/trainer, Route 30/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 3. Retaliation - Route 30/rocket 4. Shade939 - Cat 5/trainer, Route 30/rocket 5. Killing_You - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket 6. Brigitte - Brigitte/trainer, Shade/rocket 7. Cat 5 - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket
  14. CVC Jeod leads trainer Route 30 leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan/trainer, Route 30/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 3. Retaliation - Route 30/rocket 4. Shade939 - Cat 5/trainer, Route 30/rocket 5. Killing_You - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 6. Brigitte - Brigitte/trainer, Shade/rocket 7. Cat 5 - Killing_You/trainer, Route 30/rocket
  15. For anyone in contention for investigation/battle, if you could kindly provide about what time you will be on to resolve the action. This is not to pressure the vote in any way, shape, or form, but merely so I know what time to set my alarm for if we don't do it right away. I've caught a cold and I intend to take a nap if we don't resolve right away, but without a time for my alarm I'm afraid I might just sleep past everything.
  16. CVC Jeod leads trainer Route 30 leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan/trainer, Route 30/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 3. Retaliation - Route 30/rocket 4. Shade939 - Cat 5/trainer, Route 30/rocket 5. Killing_You - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 6. Brigitte - Brigitte/trainer, Shade/rocket 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  17. CVC Jeod leads trainer Route 30 leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan/trainer, Route 30/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 3. Retaliation - Route 30/rocket 4. Shade939 - Route 30/rocket 5. Killing_You - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 6. Brigitte - Brigitte/trainer, Shade/rocket 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  18. CVC Jeod leads trainer Route 30 leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan/trainer, Route 30/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 3. Retaliation - Route 30/rocket 4. Shade939 - no votes 5. Killing_You - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 6. Brigitte - Brigitte/trainer, Shade/rocket 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  19. CVC Brigitte/TheIrishMan/Jeod tied for trainer Route 30 leads rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan/trainer, Route 30/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod/trainer, Route 30/rocket 3. Retaliation - no votes 4. Shade939 - no votes 5. Killing_You - no votes 6. Brigitte - Brigitte/trainer, Shade/rocket 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  20. CVC Brigitte/TheIrishMan tied for trainer Shade/Route 30 tied for rocket Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - TheIrishMan/trainer, Route 30/rocket 2. Jeod - no votes 3. Retaliation - no votes 4. Shade939 - no votes 5. Killing_You - no votes 6. Brigitte - Brigitte/trainer, Shade/rocket 7. Cat 5 - no votes
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