Jeod leads trainer
Route 34 leads rocket
Valid investigation zones: Goldenrod Radio Tower, Goldenrod Gym, Route 30, Route 34
Current Active players
1. TheIrishman - Jeod/trainer, Route 34/rocket
2. Jeod - Jeod/trainer, Route 34/rocket
3. Retaliation - Retaliation/trainer, Route 34/rocket
4. Shade939 - Retaliation/trainer, Shade939/rocket
5. Sunflower - No votes
6. Brigitte - Jeod/trainer, Route 34/rocket
7. Cat 5 - Jeod/trainer, Route 34/rocket
Jeod has been selected to investigate Route 34! I will be back in ~30 minutes to officiate the investigation. In the mean time, here's a hint as to what's about to happen. Feel free to discuss it.