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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. If this was a month or two ago, I might have taken the bait and gone more in on Chopbam, and things could have gone differently for you. It's just over the course of the past 4-5 games, I've always thought he was scum, and I've been wrong every single time, so I'm not as likely to subscribe to any pushes against him anymore.
  2. You're too hard on yourself. Verti seems to like throwing newbies onto the scum team, but honestly I think the success in Death Note was just a fluke. Some town experience first really helps. To fool town, you must become town.
  3. Double battles will be a thing. If they weren't, this game would take forever. As for Rivals, I've not decided what to do with it yet, but there are a few options. I'd rather keep that layer secret, though.
  4. Added info about the shopping process/inventory limits.
  5. Yet you'd be in the doc with the *one person* who was arguing to save you
  6. Well he is very prolific I did almost demand a doc with him while I was vortexed
  7. I'm likely going to "update" the role abilities in the near future too, so really they could be anything.
  8. By popular request, it's been asked that I explain what type of abilities you guys can expect. I'll state that the "scout" from Pokemafia 1 has been turned into a unique character ability. That's roughly the level of power you can expect. Granted, how strong an ability is can be affected by how skilled the player is, but that's only fair, I would suppose.
  9. No I'm going to use your calculator for the damage. I was just going to ask you to build me a stat calculator too, but I don't need that part now.
  10. I think at this point, just go ahead an add a tick box for "boost damage by 10%" for held item mechanics. The website I linked earlier can do the rest of the things I need.
  11. Can't remember if I added it to the post or said it to someone in private, but level does not affect learnable moves. All pokemon will start with 4 moves, and they will be "semi random". The selection is randomized, but I'll manually make sure things look okay, for example by making sure that each pokemon has at least one damaging move. This also means that in the event your pokemon cannot learn enough moves via level up, some TM moves may be added (example, Delibird). If you have a magikarp that can't learn TMs, then you're just out of luck. That said, upon evolution you'll most likely be given a chance to learn a new level up move, and for pokemon that don't evolve you might get a similar chance at level 30.
  12. At players' request, let it be known that all pokemon are considered to have maxed friendship. This does not affect the evolution system, but does mean that the move frustration is useless and the move return is quite good. This was always planned, the request was simply that this information be posted publicly.
  13. Small asside, I'll add this to the main thread sometime, but to find what your stats are at different levels, use this tool: http://www.psypokes.com/gsc/dv.php Select the pokemon, enter the desired level, leave the stats blank, and set Stat Exp to none. It will give you a range of stats, use the max stat. This emulates having a pokemon with perfect natural ability, but no bonuses from training. Using the train action won't actually give you any stat training, only increase your level/count for evolution (same with battle victory).
  14. First small update: Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno added to the restricted list. It was an oversight, and Shade "helpfully" pointed it out
  15. I might be handling the battles in a different way, which will allow for more flexibility, so I wouldn't rule it out just yet. However, I've not exactly decided yet so who knows.
  16. First order of business: I know the holidays can be a busy time. When will most everyone be free again to play? Right now I'm thinking of setting the start date for January 4, which is a Friday (the first Friday after New Years), but am open to suggestions.
  17. Hello and welcome to Pokemafia 2! This thread is a work in progress, so check back occasionally to see updates to the rules. That said, the rules will be fully posted and explained before the game actually starts, with changes made only if it can't be helped during the actual playing. First off, what's new in Pokemafia 2? 1) Actual Characters That's right, this game we will not be generic trainers, but you'll actually get to be someone from the world of Pokemon! With that, it means... 2) Character abilities! Every player will have something unique about them to spice up the game! Not just a select few like last time. 3) Johto pokemon! That's right, we're in Johto now, that means you can use pokemon from the first 251! 4) Gen 2 mechanics Gen 2 fixes a lot of the inherent bugs and imbalances found in gen 1! 5) Held items It's a mechanic from gen 2, obviously, but could possibly be a game changer and thus deserves special mention! 6) Expanded actions Last game you got two pokecoins to complete actions each night. This time, you get THREE! Why? Because there's a lot more actions from which to choose from, not even accounting for the fact that a lot of people have a unique character action. 7) Shopping As part of the expanded actions, worthy of specific mention, is now you will have SOME degree of control over which items you obtain. 8 ) Enhanced cooperation Passing items during the night is a free action, and if you don't have a specific target in mind, there's even the item raffle. Donate an item, receive an item, in a semi random fashion based on the input of all participating parties! 9) Much more! This list is getting quite long, but I can assure you, there's much more to get excited about this game! ----- Key Rules Stat Calculator - http://www.psypokes.com/gsc/dv.php This game will introduce the concept of levels. All pokemon start at level 10, and each time they train or win a battle they increase in levels by 10. Levels are capped at 50. This is done to scale pokemon that don't evolve. To evolve, you must train twice or win a battle twice (or a combo thereof). To evolve a second time, you must do so a further 3 times. Note however, this does mean that you can be level 50 and not fully evolved, and require a further training that does not increase levels to get that last evolve. Also note, moves are NOT restricted by level. When possible, pokemon will always have a full slate of 4 moves, even if they're level 10. (More to come later) Battling/Investigating At the end of each day phase, there will be a pokemon battle. Some days (announced in advance) will feature a double battle, for a total of four participants. There are a variety of ways to decide who participates in a given battle. Every player will have access to the ##Nominate and ##Rocket commands. These commands vote for a player to be a standard trainer or team rocket participant in a battle, the highest number of votes "wins". In the event of a tie, RNG will decide between those that are tied. For fairness purposes, the standard trainer is considered to be the "challenger" and the rocket is to be considered the "challenged" party. This simply means that when it comes to scheduling or other out of game considerations, the challenged party will generally be favored as they were not the ones to choose to be placed in that situation. In other words, if you're the one being aggressive, you better be prepared to be around to back it up. Attempts to rig the vote in the opposite direction will be strongly discouraged at GM discretion, and advantage here may be flipped if shenanigans have occurred. This clause should not come into effect often, as there are several ways available to keep the battle flowing, even if one party is busy, discussed in a later section. In battle, each person uses one move per turn, or uses an item. Some "held" items, such as berries, can also be used as standard items. If you do not wish your opponent to know which move you are using, you may refer to your attack as "Move 1, Move 2, etc", and between battles (at night) you may randomize your move order so that its fresh for the next battle as a free action. Switching pokemon during a battle is not allowed, and the battle ends when one pokemon (or set of pokemon on a side) faints. Both the victor and the defeated will obtain a care package after the battle, though the victor's package will be larger. The victor's pokemon will also increase in level by 10 and gain a point towards evolution. The victor will also gain an extra pokecoin while the defeated will lose one pokecoin. Because scheduling is complicated for all parties involved, night phases may be extended. There are also several options for those that still can't find the time. First, you can submit an "autobattle document" to the GM. This is simply instructions for how to battle and the GM will carry out said instructions, to the letter. The upside of this is you technically retain control, but the downside of this is it's very inflexible. If you do not wish to do this, you can designate either the GM or someone not in the game as your proxy, and have them battle for you. This is more flexible, but depending on who you choose, they might not be that good at battling, or make a mistake, or something of that nature, and it's completely out of your control. They might eat through all your items in a futile struggle, or not use an item when they really should have, thinking you might want it later. It's in their hands now, not yours. Of course, the preferred battle is still the one where both parties are in control fully, so the GM will facilitate finding a time when both parties can be on "live", or facilitate multiple sessions if need be. As another alternative, a location can be investigated. The way to do this is very similar to how a normal battle nomination proceeds. A normal trainer must still be nominated. However, instead of nominating a rocket, a location is instead selected to be investigated by the nominated trainer. An investigation is not to be taken lightly, and the trainer engaging in one should be well prepared. Starting an investigation for the first time will reveal some details. If a trainer succeeds in the investigation, they will gain a benefit. If the trainer fails, the investigation may be attempted again in the future. Investigations may not occur on days designated as double battles. Other Battle Rules Stat change moves can only increase or decrease a stat by 2 "levels". All pokemon are considered to have max friendship. Player Elimination Players are eliminated when 3 of their 6 pokemon have fainted. Standard Action Descriptions Everyone has the same 6 "Free Actions", which do not cost a coin to do, and can be done infinite times per night. Everyone also has the same 7 "Standard Actions", which cost one pokecoin and can only be done once per night. Everyone gets 3 pokecoins per night which do not "roll over", unless you lose a battle, then you get 2. If you win a battle, you get 4. Free Actions Change Primary - Changes which pokemon is first in your party, ready for battle if selected. Randomize Pokemon Move Order - Randomizes the order of your pokemon's move, if you want to obscure that from others. Pass Item - Passes a selected item to a selected player. *Mutually exclusive with Item Lottery* Item Lottery - Enter an unwanted item into the item lottery. Selected items enter a collective pool, and at the end of the night, you get a random item back from the pool, different from the item you placed into the lottery, unless you were the only person to participate. *Mutually exclusive with Pass Item* Equip Item - Gives a held item to a pokemon Discard Item - Deletes an item from the game permanently (used to free up inventory space) Standard Actions (cost 1 pokecoin) Shop Item - Shops for an item from the standard item table Shop Held Item - Shops for an item from the held item table Shop Battle Item - Shops for an item from the battle item table Shop TM/HM - Pick a TM/HM to buy Use Item - Uses an item Use TM/HM - Uses a TM/HM Train - Raises a pokemon's level by 10, also grants a point towards evolution Shopping Process/Inventory size Each shopping action can be performed once per night, at the cost of 1 pokecoin. If you have the budget, you can select multiple DIFFERENT shop actions. Shop actions are done by category. There are four categories of items: Standard Items, Held Items, Battle Items, and TMs/HMs. You have a limit of 4 Standard Items/Battle Items (combined) and 4 Held Items. You may exceed this limit if you gain prizes from a battle, but you may not shop in ANY category until you are under this limit (destroying an item is a free action, and be undertaken before shopping). When you choose a category, a weighted loot table is rolled 3 times, and then those items are presented to you. Of those 3 items, you are allowed to keep 1. The contents of each category are as follows: Standard Items - Potions/Status healing items Held Items - Berries/Move Type Enhancers/Leftovers (Note: Berries can be used like standard items if you so choose) Battle Items - Stat Boosters/Stat Protectors Buying a TM/HM is simple. You simply look at the gen 2 list and select which one you want, no RNG. You may not apply a TM/HM the same night it is purchased. You may have an unlimited number of TMs. Lists: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/TM#List_of_TMs https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/HM#Generation_II (Note: It may be more prudent to look at the gen 2 learnset for your individual pokemon when making a decision on what to buy) Teambuilding To build a team, select 6 pokemon. Pokemon must be first stage evolution (Note: If a pokemon has a baby form, you DO NOT have to pick the baby form, though you can if you really want to). You may pick from pokemon 1-251 on the following list, with these exceptions: Mew, Mewtwo, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-oh, Celebi, Larvitar, Dratini, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno (Note: It MAY be possible to obtain these pokemon during the course of the game) https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_National_Pokédex_number Signups The following people have signed up. For optimal play, this game requires 9-12 players. This game will not start before January 1st pending discussion on what time works for everyone. 1. TheIrishman 2. Jeod 3. Retaliation 4. Shade939 5. Sunflower 6. Brigitte 7. Cat 5 Timestamps Day 1 Investigation 1 Night 1 Day 2 Battle 2 Night 2 Day 3 Investigation 3 Night 3 Day 4 Investigation 4 Night 4 Day 5 Investigation 5 Night 5 Day 6 Night 6 Day 7 Night 7 Day 8 Night 8 Day 9 Night 9 Day 10 Night 10 Day 11 Night 11 Day 12 Battle 12 Night 12 Day 13 Night 13 Day 14 Night 14 Day 15 Night 15 End Game
  18. To be fair, I only said I was at C2, I deliberately left it vague which way I was facing, and a lot of others used that tactic as well. I *might* have been at C3, but yeah it was safer to target C2.
  19. To be fair, a lot of us were rather free with our coordinates (and it sounds like they only needed 1 hit), so it didn't matter, plus if they could deploy the helicarrier it would no longer matter at all.
  20. Somewhere back before I needlessly increased my post count, he said he'd do it tomorrow or Friday. You can PM me your pokemon team if you're still itching for activity though
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