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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Fair enough. TBH he's getting a reputation for always being the crazy third party now.
  2. Though we often deride him for it, throwing out random, off the wall theories like Shade does is sometimes an effective smokescreen as scum. I used it my first game, which was as scum, and it actually worked that time. Albeit, it was a very complex game where there was a lot of room for guessing.
  3. TBH you weren't doing that badly. You could have maneuvered out of it maybe except for one slip, but sometimes one slip is all it takes.
  4. So we still up for testing side to side, or might a shot have another use?
  5. This is how I feel every time I launch Football Manager.
  6. I can, but I'll wait for the results of these past two actions.
  7. Voe said he couldn't submerge because he was "near" land. I can't submerge because I'm actually *on* land. This might be a critical difference... (Or it might not be)
  8. Also: While in the vortex, you have lynchproof/shoot proof.
  9. I forgot about KY, but yeah, he's near the top of my list.
  10. But yeah, G12 is me. What a d-bag move Shade. Granted, picking me (and I assume that vortex was targeted on me not random) in the first place was kinda rude, considering I was up for lynching scum over you :P Half my sub is damaged (because it's on land?) and I can no longer submerge (Attack Sub cannot learn Dig!)
  11. I can't comment on if it's actually possible coding wise, but I think if any changes on this front were to be made, it should be no more drastic than *15 seconds* respawn only. Any longer and people would get bored with the wait, and it adds up over the course of a map cycle to people missing significant fractions of the game. Overall I still feel like any such changes would just make people rage quit more.
  12. I like all maps, but I have to admit, TheWoodsToday is *the* iconic map when I think about all the playtime in old versions.
  13. This is true.... I guess we better nail him after all, but I won't hammer.
  14. I will say, the chart says MAX 2 Missile Subs. It doesn't mean there ARE 2 Missile Subs.
  15. Do we want to nail third party Shade? Personally I'd prefer to aim for allied more, but we need to act fast if we do!
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