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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I glanced at it, got my role, picked my coordinates, but I didn't particularly agonize over exact wording.
  2. What he's calling a slip is me not reading something (and actively hoping Shade would do the work for me). Voe is the one who is known for not reading things. You can't agro on me for that without some long hard reflection.
  3. Since the votes are heating up, I'll place my vote on Voe. He's generally less coherent when he's town, and his reason for voting me is rather hypocritical. Plus, I'd prefer I not get lynched as well so it's important to get these trains bigger. Even though I'm side-eyeing these inactive people, that alone is not enough for me to vote them at this stage. If that's not enough for you, at least he's the tradition vote as well ##vote Voe
  4. I'm going to have to start deducting points now... *sigh*
  5. Yeah but you should see the size of my STUDENT LOAN! Ugh.
  6. You don't need to be certified to teach at college or university, unlike for K-12, you just need a Masters or Doctorate. I fortunately have a Masters degree.
  7. At one point I thought about being a teacher. Then I decided that was a terrible idea and decided not to do that Ironically, with the degree I ended up getting, I'm technically allowed to teach at community college. Don't particularly want to do that for a career but I might do it for awhile while waiting for other opportunities.
  8. This has to be the longest and most explanatory post you've ever done. Do more posts like this A+
  9. That's just how he is. Just be glad we're not in a 20 Questions with him right now.
  10. TBH I'm not opposed to a Voe vote anymore. Last night I was gonna offer to team up and vote Nodlied, but I think that's off the table now
  11. It's true. Ever since the mafia championship game, I've come up with an axiom: The more someone talks the more likely they are to get scum read. Therefore, smart scum hide. I've been suspicious of low talkers from the start, but as time goes on it only seems to gather more evidence.
  12. Honestly, good scum save you for later, because you're a good distraction.
  13. Honestly you're like me, always suspicious by mere existence. The newbie probably hasn't learned that yet. Generally a vote on you is pretty valid, but as I said last night, I actually don't scum read you, so I'll vouch for you for now. That said, of course you have to turn it around back to me
  14. Here's another hot take: Voe's retaliation in the wrong quadrant actually means you two are in this together
  15. I'm suspicious of the people that just up and fired. I've talked about that a lot. Jeod, however, I believe he has his reasons, and while I don't agree with them, I think he came by it honestly. You, on the other hand, have much less of a leg to stand on. You could be using your rivalry with Voe as a cover for allied actions, and even provoking unproductive actions out of Voe while at it. What Voe did, on the third hand ( ) is just what he does when provoked. That said, as I have my morning caffeine, I'm mulling over Voe again. Jumping on me after you were the one to provoke him is out of character for him, and indeed, he's kinda been trying harder than usual it seems, which is generally a sign he's allied. It's been awhile since he's played though, so who knows.
  16. Also it's kinda rich that Voe, who's known for not reading the rules/PMs, is on my case for doing the same. That actually bumps him up my list a bit too. Need to wake up more before I have any hot takes.
  17. I simply didn't want to check the massive amounts if info we'd been given. Everyone knows the fastest way to get info is to not have it and let Shade get wind of it, where he'll swiftly go quote the relevant text for you. He's like a personal secretary. The one time I try and actually take advantage of that, people jump all over me Honestly, you But that said I'd also suspect the people who haven't talked much as well. Maybe Chopbam, but as we all know, I'm *always* on Chopbam's case.
  18. There's a few people I'd like to see talk more, as it's mostly been about 3 of us running around and controlling the conversation. None of the big talkers I particularly scum read. And, of course, as always, there are a few people I really value the opinion of as well.
  19. Nodlied is in quadrant 4.... You could have at least tried to hit him :\
  20. I'm not holding my breath. However, I still think Nodlied is suspicious. Voe is an easy cover for scummy actions.
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