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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean, take it a step further, and I'm on a timer now, unless I pass this tape to Cat 5 which I think is my only option to live but then I doom Cat 5.
  2. Can we kill Nodlied now? I partially suspect KY, but if he's going to die anyway....
  3. Making it two tribbles makes them actually useful instead of three
  4. Day and night together are collectively known as days
  5. BTW nobody visit me for the last slice. The only one left is the literally useless item.
  6. Also, that chocolate cake ILTS had is one shot night kill protection. If we'd been on a team I don't think he would have risked the 50% chance of snagging a useless item from me. The item was completely useless to him as he's on the faction that does NKs, but he clearly didn't know about the risk beforehand.
  7. As delicious an irony as it would be for my vig handout to be used to kill a scum partner, no
  8. Because we were suspicious of Chop, and as I said repeatidly, we needed to check him for items. His bus driving seemed, and maybe even was claimed to be an inherent ability, so if he was killing (or trying and failing) it would come from an item. Or he was doing something shady with an item that wasn't killing. ILTS seemed to be receptive to this logic.
  9. He played really well this game, though my suspicions had again been stoked when he didn't steal from Chopbam last night.
  10. But again, I could possibly day block him right here and now.
  11. Damn it we need 3. Still, directly donating one to him would have made our lives a lot easier.
  12. It would roleblock him until he passed one.
  13. Why didn't you just give Irish one now, he'd have two?!
  14. My day action is a day block, I could possibly day block Irish's immunity away.
  15. I gave you a tribble. And you claimed you had to activate your immunities.
  16. We should go for Nodlied, then in the night you can hand Irish a tribble. We'll have to deal with him for yet another day, but then he'll be blocked and can't protect himself.
  17. No, I hand out red velvet. There's a 50% chance somebody has it right now.
  18. I'm not using it for no reason. When I use it is very critical
  19. I would still like to buy a useful item
  20. So you're basically saying you deserved the tribble, hmmm? I have to go make dinner, be back in 30-40 minutes.
  21. It was ME! I hope Nodlied followed suit.
  22. Some dick passed me the video tape. I was going to consider offloading it onto Chop, but now he's dead, so scratch that plan :P Better put it in the vault I guess. ##Nominate OrangeP47
  23. Just had a thought, if we both pass our tribble to Irish he'll be blocked and can't defend himself.
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