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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Yeah that too, and the way he did it was as if he was trying to stir up shit when there was in fact no shit to be stirred.
  2. Well with the chance to do an action and an item action, he *could* still be the attempted killer.
  3. Here's the thing too. I don't exactly want to waste another day with a failed result. Even if we're all agro on Nodlied it might be worth it to move on to someone else just for that reason and we can figure out what to do with him later. I have some ideas but they're not worth sharing at this time because they rely on RNG and things we can't yet know, but I don't think it's a hopeless situation. I guess that kind of just leaves Irish....
  4. I'm still not ruling out something insidious happening because of that
  5. Like we need an excuse to lynch Shade, bah!
  6. I mean, a lot is we're still just taking his word for it, but I could see a town mason being given a fail chance basically.
  7. i feel as if he was scum mason he'd have a 100% success chance.
  8. While my vote is still on KY, I'm much more inclined for the final target to be Nodlied, or Irish, but as I said, I want the trains to be close...
  9. The cake is rationed to make sure there is enough for every comrade
  10. Alcohol is the one great exception, so it doesn't count Not even Psyduck can resist!
  11. It's what Psyduck would have wanted
  12. And those damned railroads were a big reason why
  13. Actually, as someone who's studied the time period both historically and politically, you'd be surprised by just how many there were. They weren't communist per se as we think of them, but the rural farmers were just as much a hotbed for radicals as the factory workers in the cities were.
  14. We nominated him so it was a lawful transaction
  15. I'd like to take this chance to say it might be helpful if someone visited me again, someone not FRAYDO to spread the items around.
  16. Shade already has enough items, apparently. ##nominate OrangeP47
  17. No, it's fine, we've just been very stingy with the votes... We need to NOMINATE someone too guys. Let's get on that. Unfortunately I need to head into town for some errands right now.
  18. It saddens me that Shade has support now... oh well... I think it's time we started forming the wagons, and I think we should keep the vote close on all the people we suspect/want to pressure. ##Vote Killing_You
  19. I just had a thought, if Shade received a cursed item, it's kinda weird he didn't freak out about that in public *sooner* than he did. Yeah, your claim of stopping the NK came pretty fast, but I don't think it would preclude Shade flipping out about something else in this case.
  20. Though just had an oh crap moment. I'm made of grain. Tribbles eat grain! Somebody save me!
  22. If it truly sucks I can just regift it
  23. I'm tempted to even ask for your cursed item I mean, after all, didn't you say passing it removes the curse?
  24. "Can't have too many items about" or some other game balance BS
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