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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. If we keep tying stability goes down and eventually we get civil war.
  2. We've kept the balance in the middle till we sorted out those who wanted to just abolish Austria-Hungary. TBH the actual compromises we made wern't much, and not many people followed them, but things seemed to work out in the end anyway.
  3. I kept it there pretty long Don't get me wrong, I'm not crying over spilled milk, just saying
  4. To be fair, I kinda wanted Cat 5 over Irish yesterday anyway really
  5. TBH I bet Cat 5 is at the center of this mystery. ##investigate Cat 5
  6. I'm gung ho pluralist because I'm an idealist. I've also decided to add in, as a personal touch (not something Nodlied established) that I want to be President
  7. I do, and it's a grim part of the tree, but survivable. I do hope it doesn't come to that though According to Irish's rules of the gun I can't be shot.
  8. I have a giant IF/THEN tree, and to sum it up, I'm not concerned.
  9. My secret plan will accomplish that, if I'm right If I'm wrong... well, I have other options.
  10. Like I said, I didn't want to overlap with Jeod and waste what we were doing. I spent a long time thinking about what I thought Jeod would do and came to the conlusion that he would check Cat 5's actions.
  11. I figured you were, so I tried to see if the evidence base could pierce Shade's layer of BS, and sadly it can't.
  12. Things are going good for team pluralism, you have nothing to complain about
  13. Like I said, the plan has nothing to do with me. It's all in other people's court
  14. My plan relies on it being unknown. For what it's worth though, I have no actual control over the plan either. Just a feeling something might happen, and if I say what that something is it definitely won't happen, so I don't want to say it.
  15. And here I thought Irish's new avatar was his role and he was supposed to be some kind of accountant But no Retal, my plan should slowly happen on its own. It's not 100% to work, but if it does work, it will be glorious.
  16. You have my actions, and I've been a solid soft pluralism voter.
  17. You mean nominate you? I actually think either choice right now will lead to some... spectacular results... I'll explain after the game is over if it doesn't happen
  18. ##reform Military I'll hold onto 1 PP for now in case I need it for something (Though probably won't)
  19. When did Shade transition from Commando to Super Soldier. I still demand he gets the custom title Fisherman
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