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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Honestly, and you'll rarely, rarely find me taking this sort of position, but we just don't know what's affecting force balance at this point. I don't think it's just straight up the number of dark side characters. That's too simple. I'd be more inclined to agree that certain actions, by people on both sides of the line, affect the balance overall, but at this point aside from light side characters learning dark side abilities we don't know really anything to judge, specifically we don't know much about what actual sith would be doing. In a way, it's kind of immaterial to actually finding the sith, when we have so little information on the topic.
  2. Honestly, knowing him, this is just how he is. I'm fairly confident he's town this game, but I don't 100% support everything he's saying. He tend to jump to conclusions then stick to them overmuch.
  3. Juicy Chicken Number One and Dr. P it is.
  4. What exactly is it you two do, anyway?
  5. If the sender is charisma focused, there is no chance to decline.
  6. Point stands then, and is somewhat clarified. Won't get the same skill unless have the same knowledge or combat focus (depending on the case).
  7. I think there's reason to believe that learning the same focuses doesn't necessarily grant the same power, so that might not be a good way to confirm things. Each area only unlocks a 'type' of power, but what you get from within that is a grab bag. Like how in the example 'sense' says it unlocks investigative powers, but we wouldn't all get the same investigative power if we all had sense.
  8. It took me two readings to catch what you meant, but I did in the end
  9. These actions wouldn't be so out of place if someone else was doing it, but Retaliation never struck me as so... bold, before.
  10. That's actually a good explanation. If sith abilities had such a large give away by using so much FP that'd kind of make it too easy I guess. This is giving me shades of the Death Note game and the levels of trust/suspicion there.
  11. Depends on how credible these theories are, and if you have anything to back them up with. Depends. Someone could have investigated and found critical information last night. Sometimes it takes a few turns before the case is cracked, so to speak, though.
  12. Most individual actions are up to the players to reveal or not. Things like deaths are the realm of the public updates, and nobody died.
  13. BTW everyone, check your editted PM carefully. You might have an open holo-com link. I didn't get a notification in my result PM but later noticed I had an open line.
  14. I'll say the same thing I said last time, that's a bold move
  15. Is it just me, or did that sith bar move some....
  16. Do our night actions actually "count" or is this just practice for submitting orders?
  17. Should introduce everyone that game on Tabletop Sim you found, Star Wars Battles or whatever it was?
  18. I'm not going to lie, I scraped through this on luck alone. I'm not superstitious, but I do genuinely at times seem to be very lucky. You can ask Shade, as well, about the forum we met at, where I based entire characters around pure luck. I'm not a combat build though, Shade probably should have won.
  19. Another reason I picked blue is because as a kid I did have one of those plastic toy light sabers, and it was blue.
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