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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Shade has more of a vendetta than I do. Believe me, having him in a doc is almost a curse rather than a blessing.
  2. Yes. It's the whole basis for why Shade knows I'm light side-uncorrupted, after all.
  3. Shade can't talk to sith, or people corrupted by the dark side, so Voe is out of the question, at least for sure.
  4. You want more proof. Check Shade's FP level. Look at it when he died, then look at it in the last CVC. It changed AFTER death.
  5. ##vote sith Jeod Now that I've committed to a path, I want to make sure you can't issue wild challenges until the proper time has passed.
  6. He's browsing in invisible mode because he wanted to be secretive or some crap. He's here now, though.
  7. Okay, time for a MAJOR reveal. Shade is still in this game. He's a force ghost. He can only contact people who are completely uncorrupted by the dark the side. Therefore he can prove that I'm not sith, because he contacted me. Next night he can contact someone else and verify this information with them.
  8. Frankly, while suspicious isn't the right word, it does rightfully put you on that side of the spectrum. Scum could easily use that as a mere excuse. Inactive players are also more "dead weight". Let's compare you with KY though. KY has been super apologetic about being inactive, and while I still want to investigate him, I want to less than you, because you dig your heels in when challenged.
  9. You're lucky there's no reason for you to lie about that corruption you got our you might be joining him down there Mister!
  10. On a scale of -5 to 5, you're about a -1.5 at this point. There are only three people in the negative range. It's a lack of competition. Instead of getting defensive, though, you could contribute more to the game, which would raise your stock.
  11. I was still thinking about his meta at that point Plus I'd have expected after one wrong call for Jeod to settle down a little, but he's not. I wouldn't say I rejected it out of hand, either. I did consider it at the time.
  12. This might be a stretch too, but this could also be seen as a slip, after Shade died. The duel was a bit emotional, what with the wanting to surrender, so people wanted to assure Shade it was "just business". However, the way Jeod says this makes it a bit ambiguous what his "point of view" is. Is it the scum point of view?
  13. It's what Shade wanted, and if you give me a day, I can prove it. In fact give me a day and I can prove I'm Jedi. That's what I'm giving up by dueling Jeod (and probably losing) now.
  14. You're leading it NOW though. You own this whether you admit it or not. You started in on me first, though this is not OMGUS. I had you behind the inactives on my order of investigation list, because meta wise you were reading as town to me. However, with your continual pushing I reevaluated, and decided to take your own advice that meta is unreliable, and anyone can change it if they try. I mean, you're known for that aren't you, ironically making this meta meta (or meta meta meta).
  15. This is also on the assumption that you're sith, and taking you out is an equally valid outcome, of course.
  16. First point (because I'm too lazy to separate the quotes): It looked like Shade was going to get sithed either way, and we wanted a duel on his terms. Shade tried to clear FRAYDO and I by dying and showing he was town, and us by association. He wanted to use his death to show you were wrong, which is the key thing here. I'm willing to do the same. By striking me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine Second fight: I may be leaning towards the martyr option, but that doesn't mean I don't still want to win. I'll take any cheap advantages I can get, especially as I'm not very combat oriented
  17. Unilateral decisions are bad for town. We should let town decide, and I'd much prefer to go first by being voted champion I'll fight you, but I'd prefer it to be via the vote. I think you're the one who actually doesn't want to fight, because you'll know I'll flip Jedi, and further discredit you with two failures in a row. If I become a martyr, that's curtains for you.
  18. Also that said, I will be unavailable today at the time the duel would take place, but would be available tomorrow at the time the duel would take place. And we all know how much more fun they are in real time.
  19. Though that said, we shouldn't cut discussion short That would be sithy
  20. If challenged to a duel by you, I would accept. You were the one pushing on Shade. I only let him get voted because it seemed like he was going to get voted anyway and we had agreed if that was the case it was better to do it on Shade's terms.
  21. Though speaking of Nodlied, I would appreciate him in here being productive now.
  22. Indeed. Sith can hide, but they still have to get their story straight. You shouldn't take that chance away from someone. Jeod is firmly in my suspicious category, along with ChopBam and KY(for inactivty/general lack of production). Town reads are FRAYDO, Nodlied, and Cat 5 (Though amazingly, Cat 5 is firmly number 3 ). Everyone else is a Shade of Grey.
  23. WAS, past tense. I'm pretty convinced Nodlied is town now. Right now I'm still mulling things over, but I think sith might be hiding in the more inactive people. I'll have more once I sleep on it.
  24. TBH I was just so badgering about it because I was afraid you were going to forget the plan as soon as the doc closed so I really, really wanted to burn it in your memory somehow. This is what happens when you deal with forgetful people on a regular basis I figured you'd remember better if I just took our primary target, Nodlied, and you had the choice between secondary targets.
  25. He probably learned with it, which takes a chunk of change.
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