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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. It's because nobody has actually 'investigated' you, so to speak, and we just have to take your word on actions. That said, you still seem pretty town-y, and newbies are rarely scum. I'd throw out the vote for KY before you.
  2. I learned a T2 and used my night force ability to see what night force abilities Irish used, and again the action failed.
  3. But on the other had I did mention that opinion on an episode of "Last Time, on Shade" a few posts back
  4. TBH that sounds just like him so I'm leaning towards you telling the truth.
  5. Does he still suspect me, despite the fact that he said he can only visit people who have not been tainted?
  6. Ask Shade to relay some information only he and I would know, so I know you're telling the truth.
  7. Where is Shade: I don't know. He has a mind of his own and maybe he went Sith hunting. He was against the volunteer strat from the beginning and didn't like that I was setting you up as the target. We can only hope that he pops in having talked to someone else, or pops in the next night. I really have no defense other than Shade is just being Shade. As for your other suspicious read, I will say, of the people that are generally in the suspicious pool, I am more suspicious of Retal than of KY. Those are some interesting observations.
  8. I will say I liked it best when you had the helmet on psyduck
  9. Yeah he was. Though there's something to be said with people who picked red maybe being interested in being sith, and submitting a sith name, which it may have been hinted at would get you priority for being sith. That said, I submitted a sith name, and I didn't get chosen as sith, so milage may vary.
  10. Last I talked to Shade he was tilted at Irish again, so what exactly did you learn to clear him. Granted, hopefully we'll feel his presence again by proxy soon, but I wouldn't put it past him to jump to more conclusions.
  11. I don't like being excluded from things, but I did say Nodlied was clear
  12. I'd love too, but I'm a bit cash strapped at the moment (and I'd still need to get a working mic, too.) Plus my internet connection is so unreliable you never know if I'm going to be able to do multiplayer on a given day. Those aside, it does look like an awesome game.
  13. I am no longer in contact with Shade because it's not council phase, but I have been pretty insistent on that being the plan. Shade things using a volunteer is too risky as Sith might interfere, so who knows if he'll actually do it or not. He also really wants to go sith hunting, ie confirm someone sith by being unable to contact them, then telling us at a later date, but I've also been insistent on him clearing me (and someone else) first. Again, I'm not sure if he'll actually do it or not. On the balance I'd say protect yourself though, as we're making you kind of a target either way.
  14. Technically wasn't Sunflower the first to vote Jeod this game? Does our newbie deserve a round of applause?
  15. First I'll point out that combat actions don't cost much FP, then Shade also points out that Scum would be wary of Voe as champion, because they don't want to risk him dying after he's already been a bit corrupted. Wasted effort if he dies.
  16. Shade says it's probably concerning to have two sith duel each other, because one could absorb the other's power, as is tradition for the ending of any rule of two.
  17. It just seems like a stretch. I suppose since we know there's more than one of us, one of us could permanently keep an eye on Nodlied and lock him down, while the other is free to keep searching for a partner, if it really is Nodlied. I just don't think it's Nodlied.
  18. It's about alignment, not action. He has a different skill than mine, the one I share with FRAYDO.
  19. Grizzled Veteran and Intolerable Newbie Honestly, after I've seen Nodlied use his night action, I just have to believe him though. I don't know why scum would use that ability.
  20. Didn't Cat 5 also not learn two skills, even though he's int (and later decided to keep it ambiguous)?
  21. Then it probably is just int-sense. You should pay more attention
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