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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I'm pretty much feeling Irish. ##vote champion OrangeP47 ##vote sith TheIrishman
  2. Guys, I just had a thought. Remember how in Nodlied's game the scum weren't "hostile" right away, they were merely suspicious until they took hostile action? Maybe the sith started off as "light" like the rest of us, but had to learn their dark side powers through ##follow or something, which would account for the fact that there weren't many attacks early on, and also the fact that people could be sensed as "light" and not actually be jedi. You notice the sense actions don't say jedi-sith, they say light-fear-anger....
  3. I guess for full clairty, I not only did a learn T1 (10 FP) but also used telepathy (another 10 FP) again, on Voe. Voe did not use a night force action.
  4. The message I got sounds just like what he said, and it's true that I don't have any actual powers to use with it yet. Instead, my ALIGNMENT has switched from light to "anger". Also, the message for Anger said I was visited by Dark Spirits, so I'm assuming Jeod. If someone stole all your FP, that means we have TWO active Sith, and Jeod still active.
  5. I'm writing this while I'm watching the super bowl, so pardon the incoherence if there is any. I propose that I am the champion. I need to purge, or alternatively, I can die, in which case a seriously corrupted player is removed. Kind of a cruel win-win. Alternatively, I finally learned control last night, meaning if I'm NOT the champion, I can shield myself from further corruption, but at the expense of doing any other action. We should pick an option on this front.
  6. And you can bet I'm mildly angry about it, so, fitting.
  7. So last night I was taught Fear AND Anger. The way it's worded it's highly implied Anger was taught to me by Jeod.
  8. Hmmm, that could be I guess... Don't take it too hard. This all might be moot anyway if I just upgrade in a month or two. I'd just make sure other people with the crash dumps recently aren't having the same problem as me.
  9. We took the mobo from one maybe? I don't know where it came from. I have a parts guy that gets various secondhand stuff and recycles it. I'm upgrading parts here in a month or two hopefully as is. I'll double check windows update, maybe the optional ones didn't install, but I did run it last night.
  10. Crashed on lunar paradox, here's the crashdump. And event viewer log. newcrash.zip event2.evtx
  11. In case I can't be around at hammer (messing with computer settings and crashes), I'm going to leave my votes as followed for the moment. ##vote Champion Cat 5 ##vote sith FRAYDO FRAYDO is just being uber suspicious, and I don't think I want to throw Voe to the wolves just yet. Furthermore Cat 5 seemed to want the champion job, so I'll vote for him.
  12. A snapshot file Jeod wanted. USER-PC.speccy
  13. Another vote for Retal avatar reversion :D
  14. You're going to have to be less obtuse Retal? We can't have any rematches because one offender is always dead
  15. We got a light side read on Sunflower today, though, did we not? Granted, there may be spoofing, but it's the same level of "clear" that Irish has.
  16. I really want to hear from Voe and him to be active, but that might be too much to ask for. I'll give it a few more hours though before voting.
  17. It's true, I didn't go for control, so that answer checks out at least. I was planning on learning it tonight though.
  18. Okarin, what learn did you have to do to get that ability?
  19. It is something he would do... but at the same time I think we'd be well within our rights to try and stop him. Who knows what else leads down the dark path.
  20. That seems... a bit convoluted.... I mean, I can't say that's not true, but at the same time that's a bit of a jump to get to that conclusion.
  21. If he failed an action though, how did he get to take a second and still talk this round? He's been "accounted" for each round.
  22. You said it, not me. It's a conclusion that can be drawn, however, as evident by the fact that multiple of us have thought that thought.
  23. The real question now is if KY is contacting anyone, and if not, why the difference from Shade? This is a REALLY important question if you think about the implications.
  24. Well to be fair, theoretically one person could defeat two, maybe three people in a row. Just outnumbering someone doesn't mean you'll win the streak of duels.
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