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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Vote counted! CVC Current World Tension Level: 0 Nodlied voted Voe Jeod voted no one TheIrishman voted no one FRAYDO voted no one ChopBam voted no one Killing_You voted TheIrishMan Voe voted no one Cat 5 voted no one Shade voted TheIrishMan Retaliation voted no one Mojoman voted no one TheIrishMan leads with 3/11 votes cast!
  2. Votes Counted CVC Current World Tension Level: 0 Nodlied voted Voe Jeod voted no one TheIrishman voted no one FRAYDO voted no one ChopBam voted no one Killing_You voted TheIrishMan Voe voted no one Cat 5 voted no one Shade voted no one Retaliation voted no one Mojoman voted no one Voe and TheIrishMan lead with 2/11 votes cast!
  3. CVC... Normally I'm not going to be such a spaz with this, but I realized I left Mojoman off the last CVC. He is now properly included in the list. My bad. CVC Current World Tension Level: 0 Nodlied voted Voe Jeod voted no one TheIrishman voted no one FRAYDO voted no one ChopBam voted no one Killing_You voted no one Voe voted no one Cat 5 voted no one Shade voted no one Retaliation voted no one Mojoman voted for Killing You Voe and Killing You lead with 2/11 votes cast!
  4. GDI's travel agency.
  5. CVC Current World Tension Level: 0 Nodlied voted Voe Jeod voted no one TheIrishman voted no one FRAYDO voted no one ChopBam voted no one Killing_You voted no one Voe voted no one Cat 5 voted no one Shade voted no one Retaliation voted no one Voe leads with 1/11 votes cast!
  6. Just a quick moment to acknowledge hammer is at the normal time, roughly 48 hours from now. Just opened a bit early
  7. It only took me 13 minutes to send all PMs actually, yay! ----- Day One You awaken this cold October morning with a sense of unease. The United States has discovered Soviet nuclear weapons on Cuba, a mere 90 miles off the Florida coast. This greatly upsets the strategic balance of power. Peace relies on the delicate knife’s edge known as MAD, or Mutually Assured Destruction. If the Soviets were to gain First Strike capacity, they’d have near unlimited bargaining power, a position the United States cannot allow them to enjoy uncontested. The world is close to being plunged into nuclear war, a thought that makes even the most stoic man tremble. Or maybe not. There are those among you who think that war might be a good thing. Some of you may think your side can win the war outright, others may not want to lose face by backing down, or maybe some of you just want to watch the world burn. Regardless, while the majority of you want peace, there is a distinct faction of Warmongers in the fold! The rest of you must stop them, by finding out who they are and eliminating them, while also avoiding World Tension spilling over into nuclear war on its own. Objectives: Town – Eliminate the warmongers/mafia while avoiding 100% World Tension. Mafia – Gain a 50% vote share during day lynches or cause World Tension to hit 100% Rules: This game is a work of fiction. Character roles are not intended to 100% accurately reflect their real life counterparts. In some circumstances, special victory conditions may apply. There may be situations where one team has a win 100% locked up, but the game must continue to a resolution, because the details are not settled yet and players are not yet aware that the result is inevitable. All other standard rules apply. ----- Current World Tension Level: 0 Nodlied voted no one Jeod voted no one TheIrishman voted no one FRAYDO voted no one ChopBam voted no one Killing_You voted no one Voe voted no one Cat 5 voted no one Shade voted no one Retaliation voted no one No player leads with 0/11 votes cast!
  8. I'm going to start sending out PMS now, then, when I'm done, I'll put up the 1st day post. Because I pre-prepared everything it'll probably be slightly ahead of standard hammer when things get running.
  9. I think I'll go with Sunday, as that will work out best for my schedule. At some point next week I might need to modify hammer a few days, but that's going to happen for the foreseeable future, and I'll always give advanced notice if something's going to move (my dad is having hip replacement Wednesday, and I might have to help out around the family home a bit to make up for his lack of mobility).
  10. Excellent. With that we have the minimum. Still room for 2 more so maybe we'll have some more people see this during the holiday. I can start the game Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. What are we feeling crew?
  11. I guess I'll push it back to this weekend then. I may be able to get another first time player in that time frame too, but we shouldn't count on it.
  12. a dream holiday
  13. Okay, at this point we have two options. 1) Delay the game further and hope for another signup. Perhaps Thanksgiving week was not the best time. 2) I could try and rush job and modify some things to make this work for tomorrow. It won't be as good as if we'd gone with the full 11-13 though. I have an early doctor's appointment tomorrow, but after I get back from that I can look at consensus and make a decision.
  14. Yep, just one more, or two or three cause still room for that. All the PMs are ready to go for tomorrow, and I know some people are very excited for their first game of mafia. Let's not let them down
  15. a better excuse
  16. full of toxins.
  17. because fish made
  18. BTW, if need be because of the holiday, we could do Day 1 72 hours to give everyone plenty of time. I think it being Day 1 though with little of import going on and having the deadline Friday is still a good measure. Also Retaliation, I see you looking at the thread. If you want to come out of your reserve status and sign up for real you have to send me the PM with the required info
  19. This made Nodlied
  20. This wiki is invaluable to learning how to play. It's where I picked up most of my early knowledge before I had time to get experience: https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Main_Page
  21. everyone would starve
  22. I have also slipped into an avatar more fitting this game than our Halloween CYOR.
  23. other party supplies.
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