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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Hello and welcome to Cuban Missile Crisis Mafia. This is a game for 11 to 13 players. I know that's a little strict, but the game mechanics don't work well at lower player-counts. The game will feature the traditional teams, but also a "World Tension" mechanic. Town seeks to prevent nuclear war, and mafia seeks to instigate it. While victory can occur through normal means, mafia can also win if world tension hits 100, and war occurs despite everyone's best efforts. Other standard rules apply, and more elaboration will be given with the first day post. In the mean time I am available to answer any questions you may have regarding the game. Please post below if you wish to sign up, and also PM me both an email for use with google docs AND a random number between 1 and 13. This random number will help me "seed" the RNG that determines which role each player gets. Sign ups will close on November 18th and the game will begin on November 20th. Hammer time will be standard 6pm EST/11 PM GMT. Players - 11 Minimum Nodlied Jeod TheIrishman FRAYDO ChopBam Killing_You Voe Cat 5 Shade Retaliation Mojoman Bookmarks Day One Night One Day Two Night Two Day Three Night Three Day Four Game End
  2. So, I don't want to jump the gun, but when ready should I just put up the thread for signup for my game, since I'm finally ready to go? I can do that later this weekend.
  3. I will say, the vital fact that caused my downfall: Kam's ability was passive, not an active ability. I assumed whoever was causing the chaos had deliberately targeted me at the time, and the instant I told a lie I'd get nailed. In the end, I was unable to hold back enough of the truth to stay concealed. In reality, I could have concocted nearly any lie about what my ability was (at that point), and there was no mythical bus driver to catch me in the act.
  4. It was pretty good. The fighting was a bit slow at times, but I'd mark that up to the close quarters more than anything, and you obviously have to work with whatever set you have in this case. Despite that the fighting also was pretty realistic. Not pro-quality, mind you, but better than 99% of other amateur things out there, and you went the extra distance for effects too, with plenty of creative choreography.
  5. ##voteearlyhammer Just because I'm too nice for you people.
  6. ##Vote NoLynch I think this is the safest course of action. Can't miss lynch if we don't lynch
  7. Do I get a medal for being lynched twice in the same game if this goes through?
  8. This is CYOR fam I must say, I've enjoyed finding out what everyone has picked so far.
  9. It royally screwed up our plans, that's what. Without having to deal with it, I could have been more sneaky. I'm like a genie in a bottle, except I'm a zombie. I'm here to haunt you forever or until you lynch me again
  10. You think I'd have gotten caught so early if we knew how the randomization worked? Pah!
  11. Remember how well that turned out for you the past few times?
  12. Because I'm bored? Also if I distract you enough your logic may become subpar.
  13. Well, it depends on your definition of passive, really I'm saying anything I say becomes massive WIFOM, so it's not really advantageous of me to say anything.
  14. Off topic, but did anyone else just get a PM from Mafia Universe about some Hydra Event?
  15. I'm not the redirector. I was never lying on that. Aside from that, my best bet is probably to plead the 5th and let everyone else work this out for themselves. I just like that I can legit meme in the thread again because I'm alive. Consider me a passive nuisance if you will
  16. Hey everyone! Miss me? Muhahahahahaha. Oddly enough, that exact video was in my recommended videos last night, and I don't even watch him normally.
  17. I like your choice of avatar now, complete with actual sudoku.
  18. I really need some more town experience *Alas, I am slain*
  19. Well, at this point, might as well break out the sad trombone.
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