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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Remember Mojo's OP scum role? I wanted something to disarm that, but I guess I forgot that in CYOR town would also try and have lots of passive defense.
  2. So... after complaining about other people doing it... now I feel like an idiot... I think I read my PM wrong. On review, I may have actually caused FRAYDO's action to fizzle out, not having my own action fizzle out. FRAYDO, did your PM or "new information" or whatever say HOW you lost your passive protection? I have a roleblock that could have done it, perhaps. It only blocks one "ability" per use, with a priority onto passive abilities. I was too annoyed at being falsely accused (or perhaps rightfully accused as it turned out) to really put two and two together up until now. And yes, I was trying to roleblock you N1 Choppy, no hard feelings
  3. I use the terms interchangeably.... I guess technically they are different things, yes, but you all know what I meant.
  4. I was basically sheeping Cat 5 Which I kind of now regret. That said, as a hyperactive (in every sense of the word) player I was just doing my part to get votes actually organized rather than leave us all holding the hot potato at the end of the vote stage.
  5. What? Now you have newly revealed PM info? This is getting old, and stretching my ability to believe it. This is like a 'fool me once' type situation. If your theory was actually true, and I was scum, why would I actually tell everyone where my actions went, knowing full well the tracker (Alstar) didn't track me, and in the unlikely event there's another tracker nobody could likely even hit me. I'll admit, that's not much of a defense, but seeing as this is a serious allegation I'm willing to come clean about my role more, if the people demand it. As for you, this is a very bold claim. Bolder than I'd expect scum to play, actually, which is why I'm a bit wrong footed.
  6. Indeed, Cat 5's judgement would be more about the Jeod/Nodlied front anyway. If his actual plan was anything close to resembling reality, that is.
  7. Put me in the "I think Cat 5 is coming back" column. That doesn't mean I trust him, though.
  8. Given the nature of events that we've seen, I'm not 100% sure all actions would show up to a tracker. I mean, say we nail FRAYDO but he didn't do something to Cat 5. That means either Cat 5 did something to himself or we have an untracked action, and I put that last option as a distinct possibility. It's possible this redirect nexus or whatever happened to me could be the same way. You know, it's also really unfortunate that this redirection effect makes it hard for any of us to do anything to prove ourselves, too...
  9. Claiming no action, for one. Anyone doing that is suspicious in my book, because we have actions unaccounted for. That said, I *somewhat* believe Voe's claim. I also don't like how the conversation about your "notification of being watched" played out.
  10. I can understand the desire to keep your cards close to your chest. I'd normally say go for it, but without further info I can't make the most informed decision, obviously.
  11. I'm not going to get into a rehash argument, that would just serve as a smokescreen for actual discussion. Even your defender's admit that the theory at least holds some merit. We're discussing other options now yet you want to throw the spotlight back on yourself. I wonder what purpose that could serve?
  12. He's far from the worst option we could pick. I might sway that way in the end, but for now I'll wait for more discussion.
  13. Nodlied is smart enough to mix business with pleasure and have it work I'm just saying, I'd like to see some non-Voe related activity from him.
  14. Okay, here is my list of reads/various comments. I'm going to preface this by saying I have no pure scum reads. This is a list of who I'm currently suspicious of, and I fully awknowledge that a suspicious person can be town, perhaps, and indeed math demands some are unless we're third party heavy, which I doubt this game. Neutral Town Suspicious Alstar - Was very forthcoming with tracking information. That's pro-town. However, he's been rather quiet, and if Cat 5 is off on his own adventure not caused by scum actions, which is a possibility, scum Alstar could have revealed the info to get town points. On balance I'll call him town for now, but I want him to contribute more. Almost downgraded him to neutral. ChopBam - Though I was initially suspicious, he was way too forthcomming to be scum. I didn't like how he handled the Kam conversation, but he many not have had the time to get invested in it at the moment like some of us others. FRAYDO - Has been a lot less helpful than ChopBam, and he did visit Cat 5... One might question why he would give up this info, though, because at the time Alstar had incorrect info. He came in second to the redirect train discussion, giving him more room to lie about it, if he wanted. He could have wanted to target Cat 5 directly, but then again, I was redirected onto him as well... Killing You - I'm not sold, but this is how he always acts, even if a bit rash. Could go either way. He tends to be a very impressionable town player, easily misled (no offense intended) Voe - Claims no action, claims to have charged day actions. For some reason I'm honestly inclined to believe him, mostly because of his interaction with Nodlied, and said "hugs", whatever that means. I fully believe that if he had actions he could use right now, he'd retaliate against Nodlied. Jeod - I'm suspicious of the no action claim, for obvious reasons. The main point of contention here is probably people asking "Why Jeod but not Voe?" I point you right above for the reason. Kamuixmod - Obvious reasons Nodlied - The obsession with Voe could be an act or smoke screen. We still don't know too much about him. OrangeP47 - Myself Category 5 Hurricane - I think he's still in the game, and boy does he have some explaining to do, one way or another. I'm less inclined to believe he is benevolent than I was D1...
  15. Well I'm all for caution, I mean, I'm notorious for agonizing over where I put my vote. I guess I'm just a bit defensive because so many people decided to target me, not the least of which is this potential randomizer. As I said earlier, Kam isn't the only suspect in my book. After dinner I'll put together a more complete list that will kind of double as a reads list.
  16. It's a fair point, and as I always say, it's best to lay EVERYTHING out in the open. That said, what's much more convincing is an alternative theory, rather than just waving your hands in front of the best thing we have going "No no, here's a small flaw." Propose something with less flaws, then.
  17. While I think it's not the greatest that you pointed some of these things out to him so he could take it and use them if need be, he's not made such a claim. Even in less than ideal circumstances, if he'd do so, it'd at least move the needle. The only reason I'm still as much on the fence as I am is because if you guys were scum you could probably use the scum doc to coordinate an excuse better than these postings, or something.
  18. I guess it warrants mentioning again, but I got no notification about the strange stuff happening around me, merely my own action.
  19. It's a possibility, I suppose, but that seems like kind of a stretch. Does that fall in line with the types of roles Kam would request? I've only seen him in one other game.
  20. I mean, maybe Chop could save you by explaining why he's different than all the rest of us, but you have to admit you being the odd man out is mighty suspicious.
  21. Oh, because he's claimed to have gone to you. Realized the answer to my own question.
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