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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Yes, precisely, and also because 2.3 incorporates both the numbers 2 and 3 I always have an excess of reason(s) for what I do.
  2. 2, with the additional stipulation that it's a bit of a joke (a meme if you will) that I don't joke vote. So let's go with 2.3 eh?
  3. I'm feeling left out of the voting for someone, but it's kind of my thing to not vote D1 as a joke
  4. I get your guys' reactions, but that's entirely consistent with Kami's previous behavior.
  5. The fact that his shirt color (and tie) change colors (and the lack of a cat in the second picture) is unnaturally distressing to me.
  6. For some reason this post seems almost downright cordial, at least compared to past incidents....
  7. I take it standard 'two day in a row no vote' penalty is the way we're doing things here? Aside from that, I wonder what Voe has this time to fight back with...
  8. Einstein could opt out if he got Pushwall to join us
  9. I don't play many horror games, and am not into horror much in general, so at first it was really, really, really hard for me to think of anything *except* Dead Space, as it's one of a few games in the genre I actually have played. Thankfully, after an afternoon out in the rain around town, I managed to think up several *other* horror experiences I'm familiar with to draw inspiration from.
  10. I'll sign up. PM will follow when I'm done with errands for the day.
  11. Yeah it sounds like no matter what I'm going to have to make a few changes, so I'll need a bit more time to tweak my setup again. Therefore others can go ahead of me in the queue. I'm still confident it will work out, though.
  12. We can push my game back. The thing is, it requires a lot of players, and I can't really reduce it to require less without losing some core mechanics. Having it reviewed, while something I think will benefit it greatly, further cuts down on our active player base. Therefore, it might be better to run it at a time when more people are available, such as December (if I predict right?).
  13. In honor of Jeod, CYOR IV we should all be different aspects of Jeod's personality.
  14. Well that's not as bad as everyone just straight up dying. I mean, still sucks for you, but I guess it could be worse.
  15. It would. Either way, I assume it would have been the kind of weapon to be used in a pinch late game, if all our other assets have been neutralized by the allies already.
  16. Yeah... thought so... I just see town as getting hit more than scum. I don't think we'd see allied buildings twice in a row, at a game size this size, but maaaaaybe vehicles.
  17. This shockwave is going to do friendly fire, right? Because it's being set off in an odd way? Actually I just realized I've been making some assumptions that maybe shouldn't be made.
  18. I think we can all agree, regardless of other factors/results, Mojo has given us "more to work with" than in past games, heh.
  19. MAD Tank? Makes me sad. I don't know why scum would be so blatant D1, but this is clearly a "bad move" (TM). ##vote Mojoman I will be somewhat busy today up until hammer, but I'll check in and heavily consider my vote before it's too late, definitely.
  20. I, again, have no (real) read on Mojo. There's just something about him that makes him a massive blindspot for me. All I've got is the more helpful he's being the more likely he is to be scum, and the more random he's acting the more townie he is, with the caveat that there's some method to his madness with randomness, I just don't get what it is. With that in mind, on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is town, I'd give him about a 6.7 right now. Really depends on if I managed to hit Alstar with meme magic or not. I'm still mostly just interested in what he has to say. Maybe someone should ping him so he knows the game started.
  21. Simply put, he's a real slippery character when he's scum. It's best we test him early and often
  22. You're welcome to vote for Voe/No Lynch if you adore the old memes so much
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