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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. IIRC Jeod was suspicious at some point but then something happened over one of the nights that made him less suspicious, but he never elaborated.
  2. Didn't realize it was ranked, I guess. But I agree on the sleepers. If time wasn't apparently of the essence, they'd be higher on my list just so we could sort that out.
  3. Maybe it's just your style, and I don't know you very well, but I feel as if you understate certain facts, or maybe it was done for the sake of brevity. FRAYDO being suspicious, for one, but on the other hand it's hard to say anything solid about him. Sleeper roles would probably be more concerning if it weren't for the fact that we have multiple claims on that.
  4. I am now a bit less secretive. I have finished my fried chicken and will announce that I am Austrian.
  5. One thing I've noticed... if some of us don't have evidence (as some independently claim, and as Cat 5 said about Mojo and I), baring the fact for the moment that some of us could have evidence we don't know about, because it's been confirmed via Jeod that no evidence actually is possible, but the percentages of evidence go up by 10%, then some of us either A) have to have more than one piece of evidence, or B) More evidence is unlocked as the game progresses, maybe via World Tension.
  6. I will reveal my nationality in approx 30 minutes to an hour, at which time my hands will be sufficiently de-greased from fried chicken that I can go find where I saved the avatar file so I can copy Cat 5
  7. So first death, that's concerning. I believe we should all do the nationality claim that was discussed, and perhaps SAS (Search All Serbs), but I'll have more to say after I'm done eating dinner. At this juncture we can go for more evidence or try and find the thief and/or killer. It would be nice if those objectives aligned closely.
  8. I don't necessarily think that's a bad idea, though I'd want to make sure we're all agreeing on said course of action before I just throw my own nationality out willy nilly, but I'd be willing to, and to discuss my role further, if people think it's time. I'm just naturally very cagey about said info. (Also, do we have the 2 night post restriction this game, people seem awfully chatty at night lately)
  9. Alright, I want on the record as well. ##investigate Chaos_Knight
  10. It's possible, but we were being a bit more theatric than we needed to be Still it's a possibility, though if that's the case I'm not so sure how it's working out for them.
  11. I've been quite about the world tension mostly because I have nothing constructive to add. Also my almost genetic fear of revealing anything about my own role. If you want talk on the subject, I will say, now that we're at 25%, I wonder if that's enough for some people to 'activate' that have previously been waiting for the increase. Beyond that, I just have nothing to add, aside from my continued desire to 'go after the evidence first'. Just figuring out who has evidence now got a lot harder, from the things Cat 5 has said. It almost makes me wonder if evidence only activates at certain world tension too, but that almost makes it seem too hard for town, or else this is going to be a really long game.
  12. Of how I was outed in Death Note? Short version was making a backstory that fit entirely with information that was already out 'in the wild' so to speak. IE Cat 5 has already said he looked at me D1, now CK claims he saw Cat look me D1 as his action. It doesn't tell us anything new, and it cannot be verified. Granted, I suppose, even if he did tell us something new, we'd then have to decide whether or not to trust it.
  13. I agree this all is fishy. It's the exact type of thing that eventually outed me in Death Note Mafia. Not sure if I want to vote *just yet*, but I'd support this investigation.
  14. I go into the city for an hour and this is the chaos everyone gets up to?!?
  15. Alternatively, have any of you used Conquer Club before? It's free as well and has many more features than this risk, is a simple website so can access it from anywhere, and allows for non-real time games where you can give someone a full day to take their turn so we don't all have to be on at the same time.
  16. That's rather drastic, but I can see the reasoning. I honestly think we could maybe get some more information out of him, but unfortunately I don't trust him to answer honestly.
  17. This is bothering me too. We're kind of at process of elimination right now, and as I've made it abundantly clear, I favor going after people who I think have evidence. However, we've found people with no evidence, and you've been saying certain people have no evidence, including who was my prime suspect, so to speak. This casts doubt not only on those people being good picks to find evidence (obbviously), but my entire methodology, so I'm kind of somewhat at a loss. If Mojo has no evidence I would have said move on to Retaliation, but obviously my logic is flawed somewhere so I'm just not sure anymore. Also, keep in mind, I don't think having evidence = being scum, but again, even that now is in question. TL;DR: I'm very concerned about this lack of evidence compared to the number of players.
  18. Holy cow did this blow up. I was going to continue putting weight on Mojo, because his happiness to be a Serb was suspicious, along with my previous reasoning that he'd probably have evidence, but if Cat 5 says he didn't have anything, that really kills my theory... I'm not liking how Verti is responding. I'd have been wary of process of elimination on a list that long when time seems to be of the essence, but the reaction is a bit much and makes me think we may have hit something. I'll wait on casting the vote until this conversation plays out a bit more, though, as I don't like making hasty decisions even when things seem to flagrant.
  19. Guess what number I generated.
  20. I think some of us have 'evidence' on us that not even we know about, and you just seem to me, from what you've said, to be prime for that. I'll fully admit I don't have any 'proof' or anything, I just want that on the record and I don't see much use in hammering FRAYDO harder, as it's not as if any of these competing ideas have enough traction to pass today. I just want bragging rights for when I'm right Plus less work for Nodlied changing the votes around.
  21. I kinda want to stay with my investigation on Mojo, just as a matter of record. However, if the vote looks even I'll switch to help out. Given the nature of investigation, we actually have a few decent targets, which is kind of an odd situation to be in. I will, however, back up the nomination of Jeod at this time. ##nominate Jeod I will be on pretty much until hammer to consult further developments.
  22. Indeed, Retaliation's statement is something to think about. Simply put, though, characters that need to be activated later somehow just really seem like they'd have hidden evidence. Not saying Irish won't, just seems like Mojo, and now Retaliation more. That said, with two in that boat now, I do need to reevaluate some.
  23. I'm all for nominating Jeod as well. Finding evidence is why I think Mojo is a good pick. Calculus beyond that is about balancing strategies.
  24. I like how Jeod actually sounds a bit like a reporter, using the lingo.
  25. The tension rises (and dare I hope, fall) may be completely abstracted to the players. Unless FRAYDO knows something the rest of us don't. But then again, Jeod said he did nothing last night?
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