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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Oh, well I must have misread that then :\ I'll keep my vote here though, while waiting for more opinions from the peanut gallery. I don't trust Irish, but that convo came off more like a series of misunderstandings than anything. I'd not be opposed to an investigation on Irish, but I feel as if the case for him requires a few more people to comment, though mostly because what's up with Mojo is just so much more... blatant... whatever it is.
  2. Didn't you say you wanted Irish D3 or D4? That implies someone else for D2, and Mojo's the best bet given what we have.
  3. In the spirit of cooperation, I'm most eager to learn more about Mojo, after what he's revealed, which might be a more pertinent place to look than this hubbub we have going on right now. Depending on how people act, we can always keep them on the reserve list. ##investigate Mojoman
  4. My only hangup is "if he was scum, why would he tell us all this?". The evidence dropping is what I'd focus on. Even if he's not scum, that sure sounds like the sort of setup where he'd drop evidence, even if he doesn't know he carries it, or something. It's certainly gotten my attention.
  5. If we return to my 'three courses of action' post, I really think meta arguments work best with the first option, clearing people we think are strong town, or making sure someone who can scum good isn't scum. For actual scum hunting, unless there's an underlying substance, it doesn't work quite as well. Meta can be used to translate someone's actions, but it shouldn't be used in place of reading actions.
  6. That's an interesting list. I'd honestly be inerested in hearing more about why Mojo. I mean, there are obvious reasons, but it might just be D1 'fun', and those that know him better seem not to be too concerned. Of course, I'm interested in hearing your rationale on the others on the list as well
  7. Well I'm not blaming you. Not really blaming anyone, really. It's just the nature of the game.
  8. Eh, I mean, in the Death Note game I was in temp docs with several people and convinced them I was townie. Granted, can't make a full judgement second or third hand, but I'm kinda wary over all this. I can still accept FRAYDO took no action, but his answers have been rather lackluster. There could still be value in checking him out, but that might cost us a chance to look for whatever actions caused tension, but we don't have many leads on that... hmmm...
  9. Well, I wouldn't say that clears him, but it would mean that he didn't cause the world tension to rise, at least (technically still a maybe, but if it was him, this game is designed silly then...) For all intents and purposes that's a strong sign to pick someone else, I guess. We'd have someone else who's of greater importance to investigate, at least, if we can figure that person out.
  10. Oh, and I forgot to mention Mojo. I can never read that guy, so the rest of you are better at analyzing what he's doing than I am. As such maybe he fits in under option 2, but it's not the best case. I wanted a solution focused-approach, but in retrospect I felt maybe I left a hole in my analysis by failing to mention him.
  11. The way I see things, we have 3 options. I'll list them in no particular order. 1) We continue to try to clear people. Do for others what we did for Jeod. This can help make the town more informed, but might not be the most productive use of our time when we could possibly be nailing someone. 2) Traditional scum hunt. We don't have much to go on, though. The *most* we have seems to be something a few of us picked up on FRAYDO, but that's hardly a case so far, though I would like to hear from him more. Though hearing for more people, maybe others have things to report that could aid us with this. 3) Go after the inactives. Scum could be hiding among the more inactive people. This is hit or miss, but it does have the upside of informing the town either way, as investigations aren't fatal. If people have 'evidence' they don't know anything about on their person, too, we might reveal some this way. At the very least we can pressure people into participating more, which is good. Right now it seems to me FRAYDO and Retaliation are really the inactive ones. I was worried about Verti, but he seems to have a valid excuse, and despite said excuse has participated recently. CK isn't the greatest either, but he's popped in, and I was wrong about him last time. (I don't know everyone's 'meta' as well as the rest of you guys, after all).
  12. 19%!? That's a rather odd number. I have to go run and get dinner now, but I'll comment more later.
  13. That reminds me of the time I returned my classbooks at 2 AM because my university had an automated drop-deposit box and the cops investigate what I was doing at book return at such a late hour.
  14. No worries. The 'during daylight' was more because I didn't want to make you feel as if I was compelling you to use one of your limited nightposts. I'll admit, I was mildly suspicious of FRAYDO as well, mostly because nominating me seemed to come out of left field. To me it looked like an attempt to butter me up and get me to lower my guard. To be fair, promoting an alternative to the Jeod-Cat 5 dynamic was a valid course of action, but it just came off awkwardly. The double standard was just a bit glaring. You analyzed that more thoroughly than I did, but the sentiment is mostly the same. (And I'll refrain from commenting on that characterization of me, for now ) Regardless, I'm glad we know more about Jeod. While I agree innocent doesn't mean someone's fully cleared, I think Jeod's 'clear enough' for now. We grow paranoid of his capacity as scum, but we forget how powerful he can be as town, too.
  15. FRAYDO suspicious eh? Care to elaborate while it's still daylight?
  16. I'm fine with the current proceedings, but I'm not going to place Jeod 'on the button' so to speak, so I'll hold my vote. Cat 5: I imagine evidence is primarily gained through investigating people, in which case we might have some to work with D1/N1 through whatever we find investigating people. Regardless, even if it's not a glamorous job, it's best not to squander the chance, and people seem to trust you to do it. Even just reporting what all you can do in there will be a decent help for planning D2.
  17. Well, I'm ready to jump on the train. I have a doctor's appointment soon I have to leave for, but I'll be back way before end of day, so I'll just wait until I get back to see if there's any real pressing arguments before it's all aboard.
  18. We don't have hammer for investigate, right? In a system with multiple vote types that seems like a bad idea to end early but I want to be sure.
  19. I mean, he hasn't really proven anything, not that I disagree with the current course of action.
  20. That's actually a really good observation. Items hidden from even the person carrying them, perhaps?
  21. If all suspicious were warmongers, it'd kind of defeat the purpose of the mechanic of holding them for a day then letting them go back into the wild and do their things, unless this is all some exercise in teaching us the importance of the rule of law and a fair trial, rather than mafia
  22. We don't get lethal lynches until 60% world tension or something, though. If this was cultist style, that'd be an awful lot of 'cover' time period for spread to happen. Maybe if we kept locking up said singular player again and again each night we could delay indefinitely, but I'd put money on there being more than one hostile (though not necessarily 'hostile' as the mechanics page describes) party out there. It could also be a case of people having secondary objectives that conflict, even if the primary objective is the same or something, and when conflict occurs world tension goes up or something. There's really no way to say until we get some dynamic action like with a night phase.
  23. Also I just now learned how to do multi-quote
  24. I think you're reading too much into what KY was saying. I was *eventually* able to see your point, but there are several other differences in viewpoints that aren't scum-town related that could be causing the disconnect you're picking up. For example, if we see this as a traditional game or not. I'd argue it's not, and this might be some game more akin to the Death Note Mafia in structure. If others are thinking that way, but you're not, that could cause some disconnect not related to scum-town calculations. I suspect even if we nail a scum, they're just "suspicious" as the first post notes. Similarly, some town are probably suspicious as well, because suspicious =/= guilty. I do, however, suspect we have several people who are 100% clean, and those are the people we can trust with the investigation.
  25. Can we do both? But objectively speaking, and don't take this the wrong way, I don't think you have enough clout to really be trusted with that. I'm willing to entertain the idea you're innocent, but I'd prefer the investigation first, nominate later. That's the world tension meter, not the evidence meter. That said, there could still be stuff in there already maybe, but those are two separate things just so you know.
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