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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. There's a decent chance whoever we investigate will drop evidence too, though, and the nominated person will have access to that.
  2. It's a strange calculus. We really have no way of knowing who's trustworthy, we just have meta reputations. Ironically, one way to pick who goes to the locker is to find someone who we think would be too incompetent to cause harm if they actually are a baddy.
  3. Possibly clearing Jeod would be valuable too. Investigation is not likely to screw anyone over, as well. Granted, being the late voter that I am unwilling to put my money where my mouth is, I'm one to talk.
  4. It's been awhile since I've played either. I'm currently attempting a mega-campaign and am back in CK2. More on topic: If Jeod's claim that he's American is IC not OOC, it'd be interesting to see just what involvement there is there, too.
  5. Nice choice of avatar though. From one of the Paradox games series? I can't quite place just which entry though. Maybe Victoria 1.
  6. Actually, to clarify too: Some people are definitely better picks than others for investigation, but the idea that we could possibly try and establish a 'safe investigator' is valid, which could be anyone we trust to do a good job. Keep in mind, if we go that route, there's also nomination to worry about. Do we really want to give that to a number 2 if we're voting favorites with investigate?
  7. To be fair, this seems like a very Cat 5 game. Also, more importantly, we don't have Voe to beat up on. On the bright side, however, our vote at present time is not fatal. On the down side, even if we do somehow manage to nail suspect number one by random luck, it's not fatal... This is going to be a non-traditional game, I love it. Good arguments can be made for investigating nearly anyone. Honestly, Jeod's logic is sound. That said, Jeod is also The Scummiest Scum Who Ever Scummed (TM), and investigating him front and center right away might also be a good idea, just so we know a little more about where we stand. I'd wager even if we did get a scummy in the crosshairs D1 not all of their cards would be tipped.
  8. I got Armada 2 running on 7, but the music was so distorted and glitchy it made me want to rip my ears off basically.
  9. While I'd say Bridge Commander is probably the best game, the one I've seen with highest demand is Armada II. It's specifically the one I remember going for a boatload. When I saw that I immediately went to find my CDs, not because I wanted to sell them, but to give the campaign another go for nostalgia. It's unfortunate that a lot of the activision titles don't work (well) on modern OS though.
  10. I can recommend both Elite force and Mechwarriors too. I already have functioning installs of both of those, but I'll thank ye for finding those on behalf of everyone nonetheless. Off topic kinda, but if any of you have the old CDs for any Star Trek games, they can sell even used for triple digits, because they can be kinda rare.
  11. Thanks again for the Risk! Now that I think about it, even if my CD wasn't scratched, I'm pretty sure it was the 16 bit version. I'm going to play me a few rounds of this and then maybe put it on a flashdrive for the next time I see my parents, they loved this game as well.
  12. Awesome. I needed something to do between dinner and a 9pm game on TV tonight, heh. Nostalgiaaaaaaaaaaa!
  13. How do you actually add people? The only screen I found that seemed like it seemed to be the 'start game' screen.
  14. You're killing me.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I spent probably 100s of hours growing up playing that. It was the most impressive thing our windows 98 machine could do when I was a kid (we didn't have the internet, and then later, very crappy internet.... not much has changed on that front ) In other news, successfully made a google play games account so I can be found under OrangeP47 as well.
  15. The dueling forklifts was my favorite part.
  16. If it's the same one we're talking about. The type that had both classic mode and then "ultimate" mode where you could use tactics cards and stuff. I'm pretty sure that's the Hasbro version. This is how new I am to smartphones. I'm amazed I can tell risk to install on my phone from my desktop... I'm Stefan Bismarck 7 apparently, and I'm trying to change my ingame name but we'll see.
  17. My CD of that is too scratched up but every once in awhile I try and make it work despite that because I'm nostalgic I'm interested in playing, but can't sign up at the moment. I'll get on it eventually.
  18. Ah, so it IS happening. Sign me up, and it definitely looks like it'll provide thought fodder for my Cuban Missile Crisis game idea.
  19. I'm also going to have to say, btw, this was my first 'real' game as town, but unfortunately as many have notes with the aspect of silos it wasn't exactly a normal game to take some of the normal learning experiences away from. (I don't count the mafia universe game, or the quantum mafia as 'real' games, for obvious reasons, whatever their merits).
  20. I will say, I probably played too conservatively this game. As an engineer, I figured my role was to *hide*. I wanted to be alive at a point where I could use my repair, or else I'd have been a waste. I therefore tried not to push anything too hard, because any counter-questioning of me would have eventually led to me having to out myself as an engineer, and thus be high priority on the chopping block for a night kill. In retrospect I probably could have been more aggressive in questioning others, but the entire game I was just pervaded by an overwhelming sense that if I even got town talking about engineers the scum would be able to figure out everything and quash any defense we came up with. I was too afraid to even chime in with an 'innocent' "maybe we have a second engineer' line of thought when charts were being made and calculations done. I felt kind of like I had to hide from my own team.
  21. Also I'd like to again point out, D1, lynch was 50/50 between two scum. I'd say town actually did well D1, we just got fluked up by Alstar being a building and too much meta arguments on the Cat 5 night kill.
  22. I capitalized RADAR because people had just given KY crap for doing so, so the quote on him was supposed to be another dig at him.
  23. I'm just happy I finally got to shoot you Alstar. I seriously wanted to do so since Day 2, but I knew that if I was wrong I'd never be allowed to play mafia with you guys ever again for such a boneheaded move if you'd actually been the silo. But yeah, guess I better 'find' a working mic by the followup session.
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