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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. My defense would have stopped that made that worse
  2. He can't withstand the tough barrage of your scummy questions.
  3. I feel like I'm the only one here who ever does you people the courtesy of casing themselves.
  4. It could be Jeod, have you considered that?
  5. Someone else could have visited Irish N1 and gotten a ticket maybe? After all, this isn't the first night we've had people claiming to have not moved by the dozens.
  6. Did anybody get stabbed last night?
  7. As long as you have the dragonball(s) you're a target for everybody.
  8. Yes but what did you do in this game of mafia?
  9. Retal should certainly be here to defend himself against these accusations though.
  10. I'm mildly worried about unstoppable kills, unleased after they found out Irish had protection, as it might also interact with my protection.... but then again, mine's a little more unique, so at the same time, it might not... and this is just speculation.
  11. I was going to go to the store today, but noped out of there when it was basically packed into an orgy of consumerism with nobody wearing a mask.
  12. I was gonna rage about people not visiting me, but instead, I'll say nice pun.
  13. That said, I've explained myself, maybe others could do more...
  14. While some sitters may be Mafia using it as an excuse to hide the NK, the sheer number have means not all are sus.
  15. Until someone visits me, I can't do anything. Do I need to make it my signature?
  16. That would be a very Shade thing to do... but do we want him as Kingmaker... he's too much of a wildcard...
  17. He said nothing special happened to me.... which technically doesn't rule out something mundane happening to me, but I'm pretty sure Jeod just can't content with my weapon's grade pedantry.
  18. I mean, it *sounds* like the right thing to do... but it just sounds... too easy...
  19. Is anyone here an expert on liches?
  20. Okay, that makes more sense. I think Irish kept pointing out though it'd take 2 days for you to pass it to him cause of the roleblock though.
  21. Actually no, what I was getting at was that Louis got roleblocked by Irish as normal. Then someone used a super role block on her that blocks her during the day phase and tomorrow night, and this may or may not be true.
  22. I don't follow, could you elaborate? (Did I suddenly get slow ) I'm not necessarily saying I don't believe you I'm just saying I don't get it.
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