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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. That's the point, when all we have is your word, your word has proven more worthless than Zimbabwean currency.
  2. If you really are neutral it's the boy who cried wolf.
  3. Like, I'm sorry, but it also comes down to the fact that it's YOU ILTS. If anyone is up to something with a role like that claim, it's you. Or me, or Shade, but definitely you. If it was like KY or Cat 5 I'd believe the claim, but with you, I just can't.
  4. Furthermore, there's no evidence of your claims other than what you say, so like... yeah...
  5. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain while I do who knows what shady shit!"
  6. You've successfully gotten people off your case by before by playing the "strong neutral" card is the thing, it's within your meta. Your goal seems to be to put yourself above reproach.
  7. Part of what compels me to sus on ILTS so much is the previous Loki gambit, but another part of it is what if this isn't a Loki gambit, but a different gambit designed to take advantage of the fact that we're all aware of the Loki gambit. Instead of being TP pretending to be neutral he's mafia pretending to be TP pretending to be neutral.
  8. What do we think of the interaction between Louis and ILTS? Though it could be Shade, but he's already under our thumb. I actually don't think it'd be KY, despite the dragonball angle.
  9. With this (apparently) configuration I wouldn't be surprised if there was a team of TP.
  10. I think it's fair to say a definitive flip from Shade is helpful... perhaps more helpful than his usual flailings.
  11. I mean, unless they were a TP team, probably not, but I don't think it matters for the point necessarily. Personally I'd also include you in that list
  12. Louis seemed to imply she was deliberately passed the shard... now Shade was still alive at the time, so he could have been the one to do it... or it could have been someone else...
  13. I mean to be fair, I'm a bit sus of the shard, but I'm still like eh.... I did joke the shard is the item needed to stab the heart though.
  14. If Louis stole an item previously, don't you think someone else would have flipped out, unless it was stolen from FRAYDO?
  15. Would the mafia really be that weak? I mean it's possible if we have so many neutral/TP I guess.
  16. I can see the arguments in favor of letting Shade back, but on the other hand, do we really want to reward his bad behavior?
  17. You quoting that made me realize I've been hanging out with shade too much because I've been getting there, their, and they're wrong, that's like the second time this game
  18. Can we stab Shade's heart with it?
  19. Ye, passing probably comes before a kill (for the scum listening).
  20. Or somebody's protection saved them... wasn't me, because I'd know if mine went off.
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