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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. We found exactly the same number of TPs/mafias as players openly admitted to being one. This even takes into account Louis being a surprise TP but Shade "claiming" neutral.
  2. I'm pretty amazed at how little flack we got for that but the whole "Louis stole the dragonball!" thing kind of diverted everyone. I think you can see the exact moment in the scum doc we realize we're going to get away with it.
  3. We need a game where everyone starts in a cult EXCEPT Shade and the goal of the game is to see how many phases it takes him to notice.
  4. That game is also why I've been Coulson twice because it didn't really count the first time.
  5. I take care of my scumbuddies... unless it's Shade... then my drug fueled mania says let him jump off a cliff
  6. I mean, you *could* have meant that, but you should have said something
  7. This post here Shade, we asked if you were claiming neutral and YOU DID NOT DENY IT.
  8. You had no one to blame but yourself this time, I saw in the dead doc that you *genuinely* thought you didn't claim neutral, but you did post a comment that everyone read *as such*. The fact that we never came to that realization while you were alive was unfortunate... well... unfortunate for you (and it wasn't the only misunderstanding we had this game)
  9. I'd have argued with you even if I was town though, that was legit.
  10. Like KY/ILTS were just the easiest targets to attack without getting blowback on myself.
  11. Also I'll state again, a lot of my pushing on the non-town people was agenda driven, just so you know
  12. And that was deliberate, because for all I knew I could be stealing Loki so I had to nerf it somehow
  13. Oh hey, I'm here (My internet was down for some of today, and I've finally gotten C&C Remastered). Yeah, this was an interesting one. I've had all these roles lately that are contingent on people visiting me, and you people used to visit me all the time because you thought I was scummy by default, but then these past 2 times NOBODY HAS. What's up with that?
  14. Mashes on MU frequently have, in addition to everyone being power roles, every player being a 20% day vig that can fire once per day phase. Taking meme shots is encouraged.
  15. Just so everyone knows, Retal already knows obviously.
  16. I got a dragonball by killing FRAYDO btw.
  17. I mean at least when I was being mean to him, it's because I had an agenda.
  18. Wow I picked a morning to be afk huh?
  19. His 'not Town for this game...'?
  20. Why would he at this stage? Go to bed.
  21. No he should go to bed so I can stop refreshing the thread.
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