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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Like this post right here is where I quoted it for you Jeod, so not only did you not see it originally, but you didn't see my clarification. I'm starting to think you're agenda posting.
  2. I quoted it again later, but the first time I responded to the effect "I don't know who I'd shoot at D1 to cause max chaos, but it wouldn't you" in response to Shade's claim that shooting at him is scum's way of causing max chaos. The second part, the part you have issue with, the part refering to Louis, is a follow up thought where I actually complete the thought and provide an answer other than "not you" since a few other people had speculated about who'd they shoot. I honestly don't see how you're reading this this way AT ALL. I'm not implying Louis should be shot, just that that would be the way to cause max chaos IF causing max chaos was "the plan". My entire point was thinking this plan even exists is stupid.
  3. Some people inexplicably have a lot more upvotes than me.
  4. I'll take these new pokemon spawns in poke go that appeared 45 minutes ago though. Went from 7 to 12 in my house.
  5. You have 37 to go. This was the real reason I was going to get to 60 pages, not to annoy you, though annoying you was a nice side-bonus.
  6. I'm replying to you for the sole purpose of stating this is my 10,000th post, and I'm the first person on this forum to reach a 5 digit post count.
  7. And you can't shoot when you're dead, and Mojo has both been under threat of dying via shot and being the leading lynch candidate, granted it's early for the latter so he could still change his mind later, but it's definitely a "use it or lose it" calculus as I said in my rebuttal as to why I felt it was fine to fire D1.
  8. Yeah I don't think I seriously entertain that idea.
  9. I mean, a smart scum would keep quiet... though on the other hand... wasn't he the one that was REALLY adamant about making sure it was a miss and not a jam?
  10. Oh, a man competing in the pedantry olympics with me. Carry on then.
  11. Cat 5, I'll give you a hint, Mojo and I probably aren't both scum. Just thought you should be aware.
  12. I'm caught between wanting to berate you and wanting to make a joke that he's a limpit mine.
  13. It's a good way to get yourself killed even if it's true
  14. I'm not, but I do think Mojo might be lying, but the thing is, if he *is* lying, he still might be a role not on the list, just one that's different from the one he claimed.
  15. I mean, there is such a thing as "semi-open", which it's no secret that this is what this is. And like, for the record, I'm not disagreeing necessarily with anything you're saying, merely commenting on you shouting into the void.
  16. Really, the irony. If this was a completely open setup Shade probably wouldn't have anything to comment on
  17. Like to be clear, not just a 1 person mafia team, I mean a 1 player game.
  18. We need a game of mafia that's only 1 player and it's just Shade.
  19. Jeod: Look at this... it's a stupid question... I'm answering the stupid question to prove how stupid it is, and thus, AGREEING WITH YOU. You're not paying attention.
  20. Because I don't need the rest of you to agree with me if I actually kill him, and, if I'm right and he's scum, I look like a genius.
  21. I didn't shoot Mojo for drama. I shot Mojo because I want him dead.
  22. I think already know the answer, so this is more checking to see if Jeod is consistent, but @Jeod, why me and not Shade?
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