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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean, this is not the perfect axiom for this conversation, but I think it gets the point across: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_causation
  2. Like this is a textbook case of what they told us the first week of class NOT to do.
  3. Shade, you do realize my degree is literally 50% statistics, and I'm telling you this is stupid.
  4. I mean it's still a lot better than a lot of the things you'd get in a casino.
  5. I mean, 25% odds isn't even that bad, and I speak as a gambler.
  6. Everyone has a 50/50 kill chance, either they kill someone or they don't
  7. Okay, thoughts on Shade: Pre-shot at him from Louis I was a bit sus on him because he was seeming to play both sides (legit, not like Jeod's misunderstanding with me). I even said as much when I said Louis' target choice wasn't that bad, but apparently I misread her reason for picking him. Since then he's been a combination of Shade being Shade and legitimately offended at being shot at. Both reactions are fine, tbh, and he's not really setting me off. To be fair, he could be legit offended someone took a shot at him as scum, but I think his reaction is at least mildly towny.
  8. I'm about to go make lunch, so afk from the thread, but I'll piece together my thoughts and post about them when I get back. They're too long for how short of time I have atm.
  9. The case on Mojo should, and can, stand on it's own indeed. Retal and ILTS top town reads, though if Retal doesn't pop out of the sand soon I'm gonna forget he exists.
  10. Because Mythbusters were on Wednesday nights and those nights my parents sent me to after school religion classes even though I'm an atheist
  11. As town it's much more about if your death helps your team than if you die at all. As scum your death nearly always hurts your team. That's why you should be like a Klingon.
  12. Though it's probably within your meta unfortunately.
  13. I mean, if someone's a lost cause, bussing is fine in that case, and generally only that case. It depends on if he's seen as a lost cause. If that's the case is debatable, but being debatable is the operative qualifier, not if it's true or not. It's like mythbusters. Something can be confirmed, plausible, or I forget what term they use, but disproven. The mere fact that it's plausible is enough that it needs to factor into our calculations.
  14. And I mean, to be clear, this is NOT an accusation. I'm just saying keep playing the game (which you appear to have no trouble doing this time) and it'll probably work out.
  15. I mean, you could always bus if you're scum together. There's been enough pressure on Mojo at times that once everyone checked in I wouldn't put it past people to bus (this is different than the assertations that Louis was "bussing" in her musings about who to shoot/actually shooting, because not everyone was here yet/the game hadn't actually started yet really). Basically, the argument could be made either way on you in a scum!Mojo world, wheras I think it's pretty clear if Mojo is scum that it's not theater with ILTS and me.
  16. Honestly I'd say we kinda came to the conclusion on Mojo independently at around the same time, and Chop kinda came in later in a way that could be genuinely trying to catch up or could be suspicious. I don't have a read on Chop yet, but his actions could be interpreted either way. Unfortunately, I don't think resolving Mojo will actually help resolve Chop so he doesn't actually factor into this calculus so we'll just have to keep doing work.
  17. But enough wake up memeing. I too would appreciate an answer to Cat 5's question, Mojo. Granted my stance on Mojo is well known, so examining him further is going to be considered productive by me at this point.
  18. Also I fall asleep last night due to my medication, wake up at midnight to see Shade has been Shading, I like one post and decide I'd rather go back to sleep than deal with that mess
  19. Ah yeah, I've got some catching up I need to do on dental work because of this pandemic too...
  20. I mean you mentioned being on pain killers yesterday, and I'd be remiss if I didn't sympathize with that. Did something happen recently?
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