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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Nothing at all? It may not have been as eventful as past games, but there is at least stuff worthy of thinking about. Is it because you're still neutral on everyone, or because you just haven't thought about things?
  2. Anon, do you have any thoughts on the game other than a weird comment on a reaction by the GM?
  3. While I'm not gonna town read Retal, and indeed, he's ever so slightly below neutral for me, I'm not gonna shoot back over memeing. (Unless I'm memeing myself)
  4. I haven't played 3, or 2 for that matter, but the original GC was an incredibly great game. The AI was insanely good, and I don't mean "just steamroll you good", it could actually think and plan not just militarily but economically. If it was losing a war to a superior force, it's smart enough to know to hit and run your trade routes so your economy collapses and you're forced to disband your massive navy, for instance. I don't know if they're still floating around the internet, but the designer of the AI system did some AARs that were actually very good where he not only plays the game, but explains how the AI is coming to the decisions it makes as he's playing it, and, spoiler alert, of the 5 he posted, he only won 2 games I think, the AI is that good.
  5. Though this is slightly better than suddenly mind-melding with Shade, I'll admit.
  6. Voe and not reading the roll sheet in the first page, name a more iconic duo.
  7. If you're agreeing with Shade's logic I'm just going to shoot you.
  8. I do hope you agree, though, that conscripts shouldn't just mass-out though.
  9. Retal, what was your plan if you killed me, when everyone saw I was town and you did an oopsie?
  10. TBH I was willing to forgive his shenanigans, but he really should have considered this...
  11. I mean, on a scale of 1 to 10, he's at about a 4 right now for me, but it seemed more like a meme shot than anything. Hell, we were meming the shot pre-game.
  12. That was actually part of my logic I forgot to mention too, it's not just about my shot, but the shots that follow.
  13. I know this may come as a shock, but given the overall higher lethality of this game, I'm less inclined to shoot this game. I still will, though, if I have a good reason.
  14. You shouldn't claim VT though as it gives the PRs less places to hide. I have to beat this into people's heads all the time at MU.
  15. The only ones, by far, likely to miss, are conscripts. Shade probably is one. Granted, this could be some kind of weird "they know my meta so I'm gonna try to pull a fast one in the small chance I do miss and I'm something else" though.
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