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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. If Cat 5 claimed neutral was was serious about it I can agree that's concerning.
  2. Okay, I KNOW somebody *joked* about being neutral, but did Cat 5 *seriously* claim neutral?
  3. Didn't we all agree that was a joke though, and he said as such?
  4. I hope you answer later, or maybe someone else can answer, but why is there sus on Cat 5 again?
  5. Since updating you all on what I'm having for dinner is practically a tradition at this point.
  6. Also fair warning, even though I don't suspect any last minute shenanigans anymore, right around hammer is when I need to put the chicken wings in the oven now.
  7. And I mean, you have to admit, even the times when Shade is wrong, he's CONFIDENTLY wrong. But we're on the Mojo train together here, so...
  8. That and the original was from another game, I just referenced it earlier.
  9. This was a joke about my line about how to get women to shoot you in the face.
  10. I kinda think Mojo has been in anti-spew mode for awhile.
  11. Yeah, a stats degree pairs well with other things for researcher opportunties.
  12. My degree is in Political Science, but it's Statistics based political science, IE the degree is stats focused. There's two ways to do research, qualitatively or quantitatively. Qualitatively is like, analyzing what something IS, like using case studies, generally looking at one instance of a thing and saying if it's good or bad. Quantitatively, which is what my focus was, is using stats and numbers to research/analyze something, using large data sets and finding trends, etc.
  13. Anon specifically said he's voting for no one intentionally, though if he meant that to be no lynch and just doesn't know how is another question, because he seemed to be aware it was a bad move.
  14. I mean, that's assuming I don't take flight. If I take off, the cop can't investigate me... though getting no result would confirm what I'm saying at least.
  15. I also mark down anyone using a C&C3 avatar when this is TIBERIAN SUN.
  16. Found on literally every song posted on youtube from the soundtrack
  17. It's true I haven't played KW but last night I made plans for a C&C3-Out of the Park Baseball crossover, so that makes up for it. (OOTP is insanely moddable).
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