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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. And I've been hanging around with Shade too much if now I'm using the wrong "your"
  2. Because I'm responding to Shade? You're biases are getting out of control.
  3. Causing drama is not the goal of this game as either alignment.
  4. Granted Louis couldn't do this herself, but anyone else TBH a shot at Louis from downtown would probably cause the most drama.
  5. Not you. I don't know who, but not you. Granted, a lot of shit did get kicked up, but I don't think we hit *maximum shit flinging* with what happened.
  6. I don't think a Jeod-Shade argument will be productive at this juncture.
  7. I mean, D1, is there ever some sort of plan, let alone when not all players have checked in. Why would the plan be to shoot YOU? Because you're the most important person in the world?
  8. Granted, I was wrong last time I interpreted her actions, but it seemed she was frustrated everyone was suddenly mad at her when we'd been joking around before that. I'll admit that "don't shoot" is a valid stance, but none of the people going in hard for that were really saying it much before she did what she did.
  9. I know people are suspect of Meta, but a better argument is Louis is behaving entirely on brand for her. The only suspicious thing would be that she shot Shade instead of me, in which case you should suspect a Louis-Orange team, and I'm not gonna buy into that world for obvious reasons.
  10. Note: He's stopped this angle now that heat is on him, but *at the time* that's what he was doing.
  11. Yeah, and Mojo's insistence that Louis be the D1 lynch is what's set me off on him. Granted, there's other points against him, as we've discussed, but he comes in here like a wrecking ball and several of us, not just me, are basically like what the hell.
  12. Next CYOR I'm going to role request Pedant. I don't know what powers said role will have, but it'll be amazing.
  13. I'll also state that in addition to me being somewhat doubtful about the content of Mojo's claim, the fact that he claimed after me like "oh, so you're claiming, well I'm gonna claim too" makes me suspicious.
  14. Not going to go back and quote the question from Cat 5, but why did I role claim? Two/three reasons. To establish not everyone has a role on the sheet. I feel as if Voe was making a lot of dangerous assumptions. But also I wanted to highlight my hit chance was 50%, which I had stated right after I shot and not just when Voe asked for it. Once I'd taken my shot and outed that information, I figured I already partially out, so I might as well do a full reveal to strengthen my points as well as transparency/honesty helping my credibility, seeing as you people usually jump on me for being secretive even when I have good reasons Personally I don't see the Jump Jet as that big of a deal as a role, plus what's left is defensive, so there's no harm in being out anyway.
  15. If Louis is Scum, Mojo is probably town... just.... refer to my post where I told him if he's town he needs to stop for my thoughts on that subject. Granted, I don't think Louis' reasoning was the best for shooting Shade.... but it wasn't the worst either, and I had *independent* mild sus on Shade though that's neither here nor *there for the most part*. At the moment I'm not interested in resolving Shade.
  16. Oh unless that was a legit question and not a joke, 25% stuck, 50% hit, but my hit goes down to 25% when I'm in flight.
  17. Considering the object that did it was my space heater, and I only put it there the day before, probably about 50% chance for the season.
  18. We've all tripped getting out of bed and skinned our big toe once or twice
  19. BTW Shade if you shoot me and actually kill me I'll send you a pic of the wound on my toe I told you about in our Star Trek convo thread
  20. I see, I phrased what I meant poorly. I meant some of the roles might not be in the game, not that NONE of them will be. That's an English Goof on my part.
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