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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. That's true regardless of his role.
  2. If we accidentally create a singularity, you heard it here first!
  3. I mean, even if you don't die, it sounds like someone gets your item, so it ISN'T the same.
  4. TBH it reminded me of the guy from Disturbed.
  5. Honestly with all this neutral/TP people claiming/having protections someone just has to be lying so I'm just going to ignore it and say you're bluffing.
  6. It's not like I don't have candidates. Just because you're one of them doesn't invalidate that.
  7. *I'm* *on* *the* *same* *train* *as* *you*
  8. I'm not gonna let you fish, but if I explained what my defense is, you'd appreciate me a lot more too. I'm definitely not bland and uninteresting.
  9. I'll have you know I'm a great force multiplier.
  10. In Japan, Spiderman has a really cool car.
  11. Non-scum coordinating, which would have to be done publicly, to bring them together, just increases the chances one, or more, dragonball will get stolen, too.
  12. I mean the people who have the dragon balls are clearly going to be selfish and want to make a wish, that's just human nature! Even if they're town we shouldn't necessarily trust their judgement!
  13. Since we'll probably need some cooperation, Cat 5, I'm receptive to switching to Shade, if that's the direction you want to go, since he's clearly not town too. He's just been making good points, in general, and about KY specifically, so that's why I'm on the same train as him. I'm not actually aligned with him.
  14. Yeah, it was fine until 20 minutes ago.
  15. TBH we could go Shade, if we REALLY wanted to... but a small part of me hopes he does have an ability and he uses it on me... but that's probably out the window since I explicitly asked for it...
  16. I'm only going to make a single point for the moment, but you yourself have admitted to having an active role, with many different options at your disposal. That's the antithesis of neutral. Granted, you claim you did this on purpose to subvert expectations as to what a neutral can be, and if that's true, well then, I do salute you, but I think we're just not receptive to it, because I don't buy it and I don't think anyone else does. That's just not how neutrals operate, and you claiming to behave this way could simply be "a likely story". I mean, it's basically your Loki gambit (I know I've said that about a lot of things recently), and I got burned by that. Fool me once, as they say...
  17. For some stupid reason W3D Hub is now emailing me every new post. This started about 20 minutes ago for literally no reason.
  18. I've mostly dropped that line of thought, but I listed several other reasons. Seriously, you must have missed a lot of the early morning posts. I'll briefly reiterate. 1) We really shouldn't have this many neutrals. 2) I'd prefer to get ILTS but we can't get him, but getting KY is fine because of other reasons. 3) His stated goal seems unrealistic which makes me suspicious. 4) As Shade said, the dragonballs are probably more likely to help scum than town, so if this does remove them (we don't know) that'd be good., 5) KY could be a dragon ball collector, and need the balls himself. Individually, each isn't strong, but taken together, there's a lot of weight here and not a lot of weight elsewhere.
  19. My intentions haven't really changed since day start and my post then, even though we got off track, and I was/am entertaining Anon, but I'll actually put my money where my mouth is. ##Vote Killing_You
  20. No probably not. But knowing you, it could still be an action.
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