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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Could you maybe rephrase this, I don't quite understand.
  2. Wouldn't you be a more likely target? After all, Irish had defenses, that "role block everyone who visits him"? TBH I'm mildly worried now if scum could get to him.
  3. Apparently, nobody visited me again, so again, I can't do anything.
  4. So basically a super roleblock? (This is musing out loud for consensus on what to call this claim)
  5. Also just looked at the CVC, Shade appears to still be dead for the moment. Does anyone have the item he was yammering on about?
  6. I mean, yes, but that could take some time... time during which we could just find the killers other ways potentially...
  7. Do you have anything to report?
  8. My brother works for a health insurance company, and they even let them take the office furniture home for work from home. I'm pretty sure health insurance companies are going to be the ones to know what's up.
  10. Like jesus christ guys, even I'm having trouble keeping up this game, I do feel bad for the low posters. Also I'm eating, so expect me to be low quality from now till hammer.
  11. It sounds like they grant you an ability... an ability needs a target... well I guess you could target (dead) FRAYDO.... nvm, just random musings.... Anywho I have to go take care of dinner... I will try to be back 30 mins before hammer, but no promises.
  12. Maybe repeat the question, if he missed it, and he can answer it now?
  13. I also left my cap locks on, oops.
  14. Already we are seeing the lack of cooperation with the dragon balls...
  15. Not really, I just want to be relevant for wagonomics and not left holding the bag while away because if nobody visits me it's all I got.
  16. Because here in 30 minutes I gotta peace out and might miss the EoD, and with so few votes on a train in a big game there can be big swings.
  17. I mean Cat 5 seemed receptive, though he's doing too much fence sitting. It still looks like an uncalled for fit.
  18. That's not the full reason... that's that the KY train was in full control and he suddenly decides to throw a temper tantrum for no reason.
  19. Ye, this upgrade actually did add some nice things, like I like how I get a notification now when someone likes my post too, not just replies to the thread.
  20. See that's the thing, in between being absolutely, positively annoyed with him, he has brought some A-game points, so he's evolving.
  21. It would certainly make KY's wincon more doable if we're all busy killing Shade 5 times
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