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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I woke up at 4 am today, chugged a pepsi cause I thought I was going to be awake now and this is my life and I needed the caffeine, and then promptly fell back asleep for 3 and a half more hours.
  2. It's cause my sleep schedule is still screwed up from time change despite it being over a week ago and I'm grumpy. It's really lame the election, and staying up all night to watch returns, was the same week that happened, because I did *not* adapt well.
  3. Yeah, month and a half unable to walk, then relearning how, but I made a very speedy recovery compared to most patients. Unfortunately my legs still aren't 100%, but they're a lot better than they were before the surgery.
  4. Was an Achillies tendon lengthening. Quite intense. Only the one leg that time, as opposed to both legs when I was 10.
  5. I had a really good time though, lol.
  6. I was on like 4 vicodin a day I was in no state to play Mafia.
  7. Yeah, because you decided to lemming and I thought it was hilarious because of the drugs
  8. OH that was the one I was high on painkillers for. I don't remember much of it.
  9. I don't think I played that one?
  10. Yeah to be fair with so many people saying they didn't move someone could be lying about it. Even if KY is telling the truth, this statement applies to the others as well, hence why they were in the bottom section of my list.
  11. My longest running plan for a non-CYOR is actually a 2-mafia 2-mafia 8-town game.
  12. Though this brings me back to a point I've harped quite a bit but has never gained much traction but I'm gonna harp it again: Are we set on KY neutral/TP, cause that was quite the mind meld between Retal and KY over Irish's roleblock... or maybe KY-Irish communication.... I mean, maybe KY did just guess it, but I can't shake the feeling he was in communication with someone.
  13. I feel like I'm really cranking the asshole level up a bit too much this game, not trying to be mean, I swear.
  14. Yeah but to be more explicit, he could still be a scum partner, unless you want to promote a theory that there's 1 scum 1 TP. I guess it's unlikely, but it was another way of also saying I wasn't impressed with Retal's contributions today too.
  15. In order, top is goodies, bottom is baddies, since this is a large game some people are put in categories (unless they are mentioned otherwise) and if they don't fit anywhere/aren't mention they specifically have not made an impression. Anon (Note, big gap here) Shade Retal Irish - Note this is about the neutral point, this list is unbalanced Everyone who didn't move (Includes Cat 5, does not include me for obvious reasons) KY/ILTS Notes: Cat 5, since he's a hot topic, is specifically tied with the people who explicitly didn't move that aren't mentioned elsewhere. Furthermore, if I had to hedge any bets, it might be moving Retal down, as he hasn't *actually* done anything towny, but we did verify his action, so basically he's good enough for D2 which is why he is where he is, but I just want to point out he hasn't actually done anything.
  16. Okay, this is a helpful snapshot, but I still feel as if in 5 minutes it's going to change
  17. Shade, let's try something new, who do you NOT suspect.
  18. I've thought his logic has been a bit substandard at times, but I would say that, wouldn't I. Claiming self-watch is basically not-moving, so we can, sadly, treat him the same as the rest of us.
  19. I mean, that's how we do it, but is it really how it should be done?
  20. I mean he could have done it before he died, though how much time, IE, if the masonry was established, is up in the air. Depends on how stringent GMing was.
  21. I mean that wasn't really a critism of your comment, more of an "I could actually see this" seeing as it had happened, relatively recently. Like I yoinked my role idea from something someone else did too.
  22. Wouldn't this basically be your Loki play?
  23. The sheer intensity of Shade's earlier arguments, and D1, had me thinking Shade was town... but he's gone downhill, so I'm kinda on the fence now... he's making low quality arguments when I know he can do better, but the thing is, I *do* kinda see what he's getting at, but I don't want to make the points for him, because he needs to do that on his own, and his ability to do so will influence my opinion of him.
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