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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I do remember being like "Oh come on, he's not even trying to decide if I'm scum, he just wants to kill me!"
  2. Actually no it was a grudge from when I killed him wrongly the game before, nvm. But I was still scum. His reaction after the fact revealed he didn't even believe it.
  3. He got me once but I was scum, and I did provoke him.
  4. That'd be even better actually.
  5. Or am I bluffing? YOU DON'T KNOW! Hmmmmmm!
  6. I'm going to be vauge, but I'd take it.
  7. TBH I don't expect Louis to have useful info, but really, for the game state, I hope she did SOMETHING last night or we have way to many people immobile, or claiming to be immobile.
  8. Everything I did with programming had a lot of math, but then again, that's because I was working on math intensive things.
  9. I meant D1 tbf sorry, eating lunch hard to multitask.
  10. See, that's why I stopped being engineering... but then I had to go with something stats focused... Also, Louis was at least here yesterday.
  11. I thought you were engineering?
  12. I was looking at it from the PoV of town having vigs too.
  13. Some places do N0 where all actions except killing are allowed.
  14. Gah, I'm getting worked up about a game I didn't even play in that probably happened years ago... that's just such an obvious mafia tell to 2020 me, though at the time if this was years ago I'd probably have missed it due to inexperience.
  15. Oh... but my actual point: That's why anyone arguing against a D1 lynch is generally always mafia, according to the wider player base.
  16. Actually, let me take a moment here to state a meta point: Yeah, stats show D1 a mafia almost never gets voted, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try, both because of the small chance that you DO hit a mafia, and two because votes give info. This is OVERWHELMINGLY the concensus among mafia/werewolf players. That's why people hate D1 no lynch so much, and it's so bizzare that's our meta here (though our meta here is fine).
  17. Yeah, there's some truth to those stats... but that's a terrible argument... that's basically a successful mafia gambit flavored with stats, not stats being used to improve the game. You can often get a lot of credit just by talking about stats even if literally no one reads your argument, it's a very easy way to get town credit. Mafia can take advantage of this.
  18. Well given Cat 5 said he was mafia, it was probably a mafia gambit to get people to not vote him because he was scummy, and the stats were bunk.
  19. I mean, just because I use stats doesn't mean I'm locked into one way of thinking. I'm a notorious gambler too, after all.
  20. You should Asimov's Foundation series. I mean, they also host Mashes, where everyone's a vig, no one reads the thread, and instead of trying to win everyone just takes pot shots at their friends.
  21. I mean, I have a degree with a stats component, so I statify everything.
  22. Probably on a yearly basis you have a new meta over there, but currently there's a strong bias towards "just vote/shoot whoever's the most scummy", which tbh isn't bad.
  23. In fact I'm pretty sure the current meta is to NOT resolve ties because I've been yelled at for suggesting it.
  24. Honestly it depends on who you're talking to. There are people there who say do that all the time, and then there are people there who say never do that, so it really just depends on who was in that specific game.
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