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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Kids these days and their phones.
  2. Actually kinda useless if you were actually gonna use a day action on him, which you didn't reveal your action was night at the time he vented.... Odd...
  3. Don't take that as volunteering though, keep your options open.
  4. Ye, this is a lot better than we generally do, we have a lot to talk about, and we didn't even need Cat 5's help stirring the pot! I've had enough actions used on me for one day, fam.
  5. I mean, it's not the best move, but at the same time, he does this all the time, so on a scale of things I'd still probably rank ILTS a bit below Shade, but I'm sure Shade will do his damndest to rectify that soon.
  6. Oh yeah this is my default stance on Shade.
  7. Honestly that's always a possibility and if so I have to actually apologize because that's a legit strategy, just not one I'd generally put past you to try.
  8. Ironically the test could have just happened if Shade would have just done it instead of bloviating like he always does. Assuming it's an action or something?
  9. Wouldn't it be funny if ILTS was Imposter *Syndrome* instead of just the Imposter?
  10. Oh snap is it special Ferroseed day or something? I still need to evolve one of those.
  11. I'd say camping... in November... that's pretty sus, but it did get pretty nice this weekend, and we're close enough to have similar weather.
  12. We're all dying, just at different rates.
  13. If I start to take over more GM duties will you give me the spreadsheet of all the roles too?
  14. I mean, if Mojo if mafia, and supercharge is literally supposed to supercharge someone, the argument for him being mafia is either 1) Him and me are a team, or 2) He's trying to pocket me. I mean maybe 2, but I'm not suspicious of Mojo at this time. We should investigate more just so we know what's going on but I don't think this is suspicious behavior.
  15. Did Mojo explain what exactly supercharge was supposed to do? Was this always going to be the outcome? It's possible my existing role can't be super charged further so all I got was lynchproof. Note, I'm not saying my role is already uber strong or anything, just that it doesn't particularly lend itself well to being amplified.
  16. Sorry, been busy this morning (Water pipe burst at my brother's apartment). I'll say my PM hasn't been updated or anything so I literally know nothing more than the rest of you.
  17. Okay that wasn't what I was expected, but I'm not going to complain, not that I think I was in any real danger or anything.
  18. I'm not in here with you, you're in here with me!
  19. I mean, we've had someone pitch an action already, just our GM is asleep at the wheel.
  20. I mean, I agree, but Shade's thought's on why D&D is unbalanced have nothing to do with anything.
  21. I mean, I know this is going to sound hypocritical cause I post so much, but I'm generally against spamming the thread too much because it makes it hard for the newbies/less active people to catch up, but I'm sure if we ask Shade, he's right here, he's probably more than willing to repeat that whole conversation about why D&D isn't a balanced game. I don't remember to much about it it was awhile ago.
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