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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I'll amend my metaphor from last night to say town is playing 1D chess
  2. Anywho, it's late, and I'm tired.... good luck town
  3. That's not what I was saying there, but I said that elsewhere.
  4. Might I recommend getting a stress ball.
  5. Also I guess technically we can kill the last scum and the game goes on because I'm still alive, so we don't need to worry about nailing the last scum that much.
  6. I mean, tomorrow, if both Sunflower and Louis are dead, we can just come right back around to Cat 5.
  7. The problem is I'm playing 4D chess but everyone thinks I'm playing 3D chess pretending I'm playing 5D chess.
  8. TBH I think everyone voting her is probably safest for my wincon actually but I've been townreading Sunflower all game so.
  9. Here's KY Shading Sunflower btw, once more for the people in the back.
  10. I mean really, all things considered, I don't want you guys to chop Louis because she has the bomb and if she's eliminated I'd lose then
  11. I mean you're right in that I probably shouldn't even be helping you guys from my perspective, but personally I still don't rule out that it could be Cat 5.
  12. I mean, by then, my wincon will have been completed, so I won't even stop you, but you'll just be wasting your time.
  13. Honestly I'm not really paying attention right now so I forgot she had the bomb, so it wasn't influenced by it at all.
  14. Not that you guys probably care what I think, but if it's Sunflower vs Louis I totally think it's Louis.
  15. I mean, to be clear, this is hypothetical play because that's all a lie.
  16. Well the argument I would have made is that mafia had BP/lynchproof and we needed to rid them of it, but good to know it wouldn't have worked
  17. My follow up is claiming a second ability that deletes passives.
  18. Then we get into a semantic argument about "when" do you obtain custody of the item. I mean, nobody but me would probably care, so I could get away with it... well maybe Cat 5 would care... but still...
  19. The real trick was guessing if you have a passive because I was gonna have to say yes or no to you N1.
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