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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. You've taken Jeod off your list when he's pretty much one of a very few select people most of us are explicitly not eliminating? I feel as if the shoe is now on the other foot.
  2. How many scum do you think we have? There are only 9 players, and if it's KY, me, AND Sunflower, fully 1/3 of the players would be outright mafia scum, and not even Shade would unbalance a game that badly.
  3. I hate to break it to you but even people who have never been scum can be scum in a new game
  4. But FRAYDO saw KY go to two different places, if that doesn't scream "I did a normal action AND the NK" then what is it?
  5. Why would two scum target the same person, specifically one they were going to kill? I believe Sunflower when she said she targetted ILTS because she said it before ILTS revealed he was the target of the failed NK.
  6. Unless KY or Sunflower is a janitor, which I doubt, the play doesn't make sense for a KY/Sunflower team.
  7. I'm more interested in Cat 5/Jeod as possible scum than Sunflower, as while we can't verify Sunflower, I don't think a scum would have made that claim on ILTS knowing the NK target was him that failed *when they weren't even the one that did the kill because it's pretty clear that was KY now*.
  8. I'm just saying, while Sunflower's statement is a little... odd, maybe, it's not quite the outright derp you seemed to be accusing her of.
  9. If there's third party, and given how this game has gone, it would be pretty fitting for scum and third party to be tripping over themselves. Also slumbering/protection abilities would be kind of a third party loadout, but eh....
  10. ##Vote No Lynch Guess it's time to officially cast my lot.
  11. He wasn't the scum we nailed D1. We actually nailed someone unrelated because of a bizzare typo incident that's hard to explain. Basically the setup is 3 mafia, 10 vanilla town, and 2 jack of all trades. One JOAT claimed, one vanilla fake claimed (we don't know it's fake), one scum member was recapping what happened and typoed the fake claimer as an unrelated person. Everyone is like "Eh?" Unrelated person freaks out, reveals they are the second JOAT for real. Really, this isn't a reason to suspect that scum member, because how could they have possibly known this? Still, everyone is so agro we basically consensus vote them out because it's D1 and there's not much else to do, and surprise surprise, we eliminate a scum D1.
  12. Like I actually wasn't the top poster (the scum mastermind was, proving once and for all despite what people say, powerwolfing is the best strategy), and we challenged each other to see who could get the highest D1 post count and that was our biggest concern EoD.
  13. Depends. My game was actually pretty light hearted. D1 when it came time for EoD because we were pretty much consensus we just memed for 2 hours in the exact sort of way that's typically discouraged in champs and we nailed a scum.
  14. A quick check: My champs game had 6654 posts. 967 of that was me. Some of that was post game though.
  15. It was pretty high 150, but yeah. The theory is a lot of players from communities like ours, where activity is not that great, get thrown right into the meat grinder and are completely overwhelmed, so putting a cap on how many times you can post per phase prevents the veteran players from completely drowning them out. The cap also lifts 2 hours before EoD, so everyone has a chance to discuss the final vote even if they hit the limit. I went over the post cap every day but the last day of my champs game.
  16. At least we don't have a post cap here, not that we'd ever be that active here either. (I was actually in favor of the post cap at champs).
  17. I'm for that too, I'm just not really forcing the issue at the moment.
  18. Will be afk this afternoon helping my mom with a new smart phone. It was about time to upgrade anyway (especially since pokemon go is threatening to axe 32 bit OS support), but she broke the old phone earlier this week anyway.
  19. Lol she's gonna pass the strange item Retal had to you for that comment.
  20. Because I found this giant gummy bear thing now and it feels like I'm living in an ad
  21. Kaiju is not a genre I'm very well versed in, but if there was some sort of edible kaiju I think I've heard about it. Unless you're some sort of giant baby that stuffed fruit rollups down its diaper.
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