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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Like seriously, now you're making me go back and question my own actions. You people are reading entirely too much into this.
  2. My Godzilla comment was in response to ILTS not Jeod.
  3. Because my vote for no lynch really was just a courtesy to put it out there before he had to poof, but he didn't poof? The other things are things he started, so ask him.
  4. I mean, we can still discuss what to do. There was, at the time, fewer posts than I thought there'd be, but maybe I'm just used to champs posting lately, and there have been more posts now. It also appears Jeod is not 100% AWOL during the day, so there's that.
  5. I mean, you can look up Striker Eureka's stats/loadout and see what the Jaeger has to work with, though obviously some creativity can still go into what that translates to. It's not as if "Chest Missile Launcher" is a game ability any more than "heat breath" is for a kaiju or something, and I think I was pretty creative with my interpretation. I'd rather keep scum guessing what they have to deal with though.
  6. Also while yes this is pretty much a flavor claim, I'm not gonna reveal my power(s), obviously, and thankfully Shade isn't a player to fish for them
  7. Though actually maybe not on this forum, compared to the one Shade and I came from.
  8. If only I knew what universe you were from, I think we'd get along well.
  9. Despite me saying "On a more serious note", it was a joke.
  10. ##Vote No Lynch So Jeod has plenty of time to see and think about it I presume this is what we're going to do, given it's a cyor.
  11. Is that text green because you're third party?
  12. On a more serious note, there's only so many of you yahoos that can hardclaim Godzilla before it starts to become less than believable, so let's not even start unless we have good reason.
  13. I don't usually resort to such crude humor, but when I returned to the thread after taking a shower I had the overwhelming urge to dismiss this as just ILTS farting in the bath tub.
  14. I mean, TS holds up pretty well as is, depends on what the remake would add. I got some mods for it awhile back I was going to play but got distracted by some other stuff. I mean, my steam library is pretty huge.
  15. I actually haven't bought the remaster because despite saying in my mason chat last game I was gonna upgrade from Windows 7 I still haven't, and the Remaster doesn't support Windows 7 or so it claims.
  16. Speaking of, I'll change my avatar after I'm done eating dinner.
  17. You do whatever fits the aesthetics, next question.
  18. Send an email to get their attention. Jeod at least probably has their email.
  19. Just a small Champs update: I was selected as a "backup substitute". What this means - It's very unlikely I'll play in the semi-finals (the entirety of the 9 primary substitutes would have to be called first for only 3 games, and there's 8 others with me in the backup substitute class). However, it does mean that my skill in playing in the first round was recognized, and there's a small chance I might get another swing at it. I don't see the need to put playing here on hold for it though, since, as I said, I'm pretty far down the substitution list.
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