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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean, if that's true, and we try, there will be a kill, and there will be parity.... So I'm thinking maybe a lie....
  2. Yeah tbh that was pretty weird, Cat 5 you should explain that.
  3. It's an inherent ability, not an item, so I'm pretty sure if I was scum I'd have to choose between nk and it. In a game with items, it should be obvious.
  4. I still don't like it, but like I said, apparently I'm the decider, so we'll have to see what Cat 5 says, and who knows when he'll be on.
  5. You've gotten a lot better recently, and it's totally within your ability to fake that claim though.
  6. I may be channeling shade, but even if that's true, that sounds like a variant scum would have to specifically avoid being seen.... but it wouldn't matter at all if you just killed Fraydo.
  7. I stole his radar action. His radar action lets him see who visits him, so he should know if we're telling the truth. He can also confirm that I stole it. So basically Cat 5 either lies and we know it's him, or your lying about visiting him.
  8. Like holy shit, I'm the only one who can be confirmed here, unless Cat 5 lies, in which case it's him.
  9. If Cat 5 didn't go anywhere, and I stole Cat 5's ability (he can confirm this), then it's you.
  10. I don't think Louis visited Cat 5. I think Louis might be the scum.
  11. Cat 5, did your radar fire before I stole it?
  12. Before anyone talks, Louis, what did you do last night?
  13. Thankfully nobody in our community is a true potato. I mean, we do have some low-posters, but looking at the different communities that participate in champs, there's some people that take inactivity to whole new levels...
  14. Meta: I kinda agree. After the conversation I had it got me thinking about game design and made me want to design something that'd be as close a game as possible. Like, I have no idea how I'd go about doing that at this stage, I'll probably have to do some research, but be on the lookout for a game from me in the future where I'm trying to get you guys down to a F3.
  15. God, tomorrow's going to be an F3. I was just telling people over at MU how we never get down to F3 over here, guess I jinxed it. Anywho, Cat 5's not going to kill me, because I'm the other suspect, but it's bleedingly obvious it's Cat 5 because he just murderized Shade. Don't fall for any shenanigans he tries to pull.
  16. I feel like even if it's indirectly my fault Shade died, by helping Cat 5 (turning scramble into an item), Shade always has it coming, so I'm not too mad. We just vote Cat 5 tomorrow, ez pz.
  17. I'd go with my standard "You could get hit with a meteor", but the only ever recorded instance of that happening not only was non-fatal, but the person wasn't even injured.
  18. That said, I'm also busy today, including perhaps not being around at hammer (Good thing we're consensus on KY).
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