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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. It's entirely possible the game just ends at the end of the day, and this slow role is anti-climatic. That said, there's not really much I can do to prove I'm town, though it actually sounds like maybe I *should* visit Shade in case he actually is the TP in case his protection is lynchproof too.
  2. Yeah I may have misspoke at some point and made things unclear, but I can't take items, just abilities.
  3. Passing items has not shown up on tracks before so personally that doesn't bother me that much, I'm just sus of Cat 5. Anywho I gotta make dinner now.
  4. I'm always down to suspect you (But no maybe Cat 5) But honestly I'm like let's just wait to see what happens when we kill KY (I mean we can speculate obviously). But we gotta kill KY first, it's not like we're in any rush.
  5. Yeah that's my point, but people around here (myself included, I'm not trying to give anyone too hard a time) tend to lump all four of these together. I'm saying it's not suspicious if he's literally a follower.
  6. https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Watcher#Variations
  7. I mean, we play pretty fast and lose with our terms, but technically there's, track, watch, voyeur, and follow, which are all separate actions, but we use them interchangeably. Follow could actually be follow, which we don't actually use very often, but if we did, it wouldn't be strange to have it along with a tracker.
  8. I mean from that description it'd mechanically sound like a doc, but this is obviously not the case.
  9. Yeah, I don't think Retal is tracker, I think he's bodyguard.
  10. Possibly, and it makes sense why people would want to kill FRAYDO as he's the cop.
  11. Wait, no, Louis said he visited me, right?
  12. Protect and Serve could also be a bodyguard but the kill killed through him somehow.
  13. My role, no, but my alignment, yes. I'm town, but this was fully intended to be TP. It's not my fault it got balanced this way.
  14. I mean I guess to be fair we don't really know what Chop did we're just guessing.
  15. It's unlikely an alignment will have duplicates of a role.
  16. If this forum had an anti-like button I'd use it on you.
  17. I wrote a bio. It's like one sentence, but it's there.
  18. You know what I do, but there's the added restriction of I can't use items myself during the day.
  19. Actually Shade you better thank ILTS cause he talked me out of visiting you, and I have no idea if my steal goes before you actually using your action.
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