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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. TBH I probably should have like rushed the request but I was kinda lazy too and waited a few days because I'm a procrastinator so Really all I can be firm on is "I was designed to be Third Party but I'm town." I'd love to say that means we have a TP, but we might not even, but for now I'm not going to rule it out. If anything, take it as a lame excuse for me being less helpful than I should, but hopefully I can compensate by intelligent play and effort.
  2. I mean he could also just not care about who knows he has a dayblock, especially if he has much more powerful abilities and is using this as a red herring. Right now I'm just hoping the night phase is more illuminating. I'm sure most of us have an idea or two about what we want to do by this point.
  3. I'm more concerned about balance tbh, but it's probably too soon to critique that. I feel that if ILTS is a baddie he's more traditional scum than Third Party. I think a TP would probably play more conservatively, and I'm kinda tinfoiling my Cat 5 cult leader for pure flavor reasons still.
  4. I mean, like I said, I requested Third Party but got made town, so honestly, we should all be freaking out about who is actually scum/third party if Jeod deemed it necessary to make me Town.
  5. Neutrals are about survival, if they have a secondary objective they're TP. That said, in your bizzaro world where this is true, doing this still endangers that condition because it could make them a target, so I still find it a very dubious idea at best.
  6. UNLESS you have an actual intelligent point, I should say. Good conversation is always welcome. Spitwads from the back of class are not welcome.
  7. And I mean, to be clear, my position is still no lynch, but talking ILTS into a more charitable position than he actually is shouldn't be encouraged.
  8. Yeah but a neutral doesn't do reckless things either, they try to survive. That's a hairbrained suggestion Shade and you know it.
  9. So we're more or less thinking the same thing, just with slightly different phrasing and emphasis.
  10. I mean, that's how I interpreted it, and what led me to agree with him. It's the logical conclusion of the argument I usually bash Shade over the head with every game.
  11. It's about the INFO that he has a dayblock, not the fact that he did the dayblock.
  12. That's not Mojo's argument. He's saying Scum!ILTS WOULDN'T be worried about people knowing he has a day block, because there's no scum planning against him, hence why he did it. Town!ILTS WOULD be worried, and thus would have not done that.
  13. Unless we're going for "When Mojo is actually helpful he's scum", then maybe.
  14. I mean I usually scum read Mojo too but he's probably the towniest person in my book right now.
  15. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  16. It's just a function of how Jeod does dayblocks, we had this conversation last game when ILTS dayblock didn't voteblock, so if the stick is an action ILTS requested himself, he probably didn't even intend for the voteblock to be a primary feature. For what it's worth, I support Jeod's interpretation of how Dayblocks work.
  17. Perhaps it's a bit early to ask, but one more on no lynch wouldn't hurt, to prevent any accidental stupidity.
  18. That said, we did kinda ask ILTS to do it, in a way, even if I think it was a bad idea, so I'm not going to get too annoyed. The pot has been stirred, people should have a better idea of what to do now.
  19. It's not about you, it's about scum having information.... town!ILTS should be worried about being too free with info.
  20. But yeah, revealing a day block so fast doesn't seem the wisest move.... I'd muse more but I gotta afk for a bit...
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