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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean, I'll respect your opinion. I rate you as more town than him. But if you want me to follow that lead, I'm going to need some convincing.
  2. Yeah, we have to do something today, and unfortunately I'm a bit busy at the moment. KY, I think you're going to be the deciding factor on how we go today, so maybe you should take the lead and steer us how you want.
  3. She did kind of soft knowing who it is, which is part of why I was thinking it was her, too, after the day's initial conversations.
  4. I mean given I could have died and you could have seen the killer too possibly that would have been nice as well But I guess Shade was too lightning for this world.
  5. My scanner died. Once that happened everyone was free to do what they wanted. Well, you were always free to do what you wanted, just I wouldn't complain anymore
  6. I ususaly complain until I get them to last the whole game
  7. It opened about two hours into the night and closed (and kicked us out) when night actions were processed.
  8. You should have woken up in the morning because I basically spilled a ton of more information but I don't think you saw it before ILTS closed the doc
  9. Yeah, you're probably the only one besides Sunflower who would use exclamation points regularly. Like I said though, the masonry felt a bit cheerleadery in retrospect, so I'm waffling on that as well. If you're scum, you're playing incredibly well, so it's a consideration I really have to... well... consider
  10. I may not have said it much because of the focus on Jeod, but I'm pretty suspicious of FRAYDO too. There's a lot of his posts which feel like "Yes... but really no..." in that he's making a lot of good arguments, but if you stop and think they're actually kind of disingenuous, like deliberately omitting certain facts that would actually point to totally opposite conclusions, but the way he says things with confidence and authority and in a quick manner are almost designed to slide right past that. Once or twice would just be something anybody could do, but I feel like this game with him it's a real pattern... and that could be scum trying to control the narrative.
  11. Also that's seriously how I looked in Jr High.
  12. Yeah back to that comment a few days ago about how my lineup was the most random bottom tier characters but also so perfectly balanced, I also briefly considered seeing how many passives I could stick on this lineup but decided to stop at just two Though seriously, to channel my inner Shade min-maxer, right from the get go when ILTS announced this, having multiple passives is/was a fairly obvious way to powergame the rules for this setup.
  13. And like, to elaborate on this, the passive on my lamppost reported to me the alignments of all visitors to me the player, not visitors to the character lamppost, so it's definitely possible for one of NodFan's characters to have a godfather passive that affects his entire player lineup, while one of his other characters also has a different passive.
  14. You can have more than one passive, we all have three characters. I have two passives between my three characters (if they were all alive). I thought pretty town, but given that they just echoed me for the most part, it's not like it was the most productive thing in the world for me, so it could have just been a cheerleading effort. That's like some next level strats so I don't know if anyone would actually do it though. I mean, the only example of it happening here is the first time I scum masoned you. And we all know the second time I tried that with you it fell flat on it's face, so I don't know if anyone would go for a third attempt so soon. I guess with that in mind I still feel good about them even if it wasn't the most productive thing.
  15. It could be a passive defense like a godfather type dealio, or if there really is a tp/neutral faction, it's not like they'd coordinate with scum. Not saying that's the camp I'm in, but just saying there are explanations available.
  16. I mean, audiobook, not just any time of ebook.
  17. I just got like a 50 hour ebook though I haven't even started and I don't even like ebooks but it was able to get me credits towards free stuff in pokemon go (but the book was in my interest area).
  18. I took a more Nodlied approach and just shunned the manga until somebody came along to tell me.
  19. If it wasn't Sunflower it could have been FRAYDO I guess. Though that said, I have no meta on NodFan, so who knows, maybe he is extremely similar to them. It most definitely wasn't KY or Retal, didn't talk anything like them.
  20. Technically before the game ILTS said he'd probably allow scum to do an action AND NK so we shouldn't rule anyone out on those criteria. On the topic of mason, I *suspect* it was Sunflower. Sunflower trying to disguise her typing style, but the use of some exclamation points and other quirks make me think it was her. The conversation was mostly about me, and after going to bed they didn't return in the morning so we didn't get to continue our conversation despite me thinking up a few more points I wanted to discuss, but in retrospect the conversation was mostly just encouraging me to continue on my path at the time of N1. Probably should be taken more of a null.
  21. I mean, I can think of some reasons, but I'll not pursue that line of thinking for now. Also for the record, though it's already publicly known, you were my target last night and I successfully visited you, as evident by having your action.
  22. Like here's the thing, NodFan is so new I don't think he even knows what Neutral is unless he actually is it, or was coached by a scum teammate to say it after slipping that he wasn't town.
  23. Though in truth... I wanna think this over a bit.... though it would really be helped by NodFan maybe actually providing some useful discorse.
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