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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Yeah but FRAYDO died and he had all 3 characters and that should be ultra concerning. We can chalk one of Retal's chars up to Jeod (he claims it), but the standard NK has to be FRAYDO, and also the fact that it killed him with all 3 of his chars in tact should be a big yikes.
  2. I mean, yes, Jeod didn't cop Retal, but does anyone believe this is town/town?
  3. Honestly this is a more traditional cop claim situation, we really should shoot/lynch between Retal and Jeod, especially as we don't know if there's one or two scum.
  4. There could just be one scum.... if there's two scum, there's some heavy bussing going on I think, by at least one person.
  5. Actually looking at my action again (I seriously cared the least about this action out of everything I could do), I don't even SAVE my target, I just retaliate. And the exact chance to kill an attacker is 34.7%, what a random number.
  6. TBH I'm suddenly feeling down for KY blasting Retal when he gets back.
  7. Honestly how fast Retal voted Sunflower doesn't sit right with me, he didn't even ask me to explain, because to be completely fair, I didn't explain, I just stated it as a fact.
  8. Like, I defend someone else (can maybe self target) and it has like a 34.3% (yes, it's not exactly 1/3) chance to kill the attacker of any action used on my target.
  9. It's a reactive defense kill, so I can't just straight up shoot someone.
  10. No, I'll break it down, and as I've said, I want this to go slow. Here is Jeod's list. It's not me, I know this. For the sake of argument, I'll keep Retal there, but I'll also add Jeod. It's not KY, because he could shoot, and we're all pretty solid on him. I don't know if it's Jeod/Retal are in conflict, it's one or the other. That just leaves you as the lone isolated person.
  11. Well we shouldn't turbo either way, we have nearly 48 hours to figure something out, but yes, if the kill can resolve someone, that first, cause these blockers could potentially influence the vote if we get things wrong, though it still wouldn't be a sure shot if numbers are equalized.
  12. Jeod's sodoku is right about one thing, if there's two scum, one of them is Sunflower by PoE. If Sunflower is not scum, there's only one scum I think.
  13. Also I stole Neutralize from Retal, it is a day/night roleblock with a one turn cooldown.
  14. Hey @FRAYDO guess what I'm having for dinner! Two hot dogs!
  15. (META/Not my second post, but I seriously read that as "Shitting is in my hands now" with that sound effect and small font)
  16. I mean, I just get an action from him, I don't get his alignment.
  17. Retal, do you still have your protect action, or did it get used up?
  18. I mean, trying to protect Shade was an obvious thing to do IMO. He was down to two characters.
  19. I don't want to risk that Randing, so I'll move to NodFan in hopes it is a more popular train. ##Vote NodFan
  20. By gambit I mean where he announces a plan and tries to force everyone to play a long, similar to what I was doing this game. I know that may seem like moving goalposts but it was really me not being specific enough when I described the phenomenon in the first place.
  21. Yeah, at some point in all of this I was gonna concede Jeod had been acting slightly less scummy today than yesterday, but this set him back again.
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