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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I don't want anyone under Jeod's control. ##incapacitate NodFan
  2. Sunflower team of Scarface, Sheev, and who's taking bets on the third?
  3. Apparently there were some great Dead Space games before our time.
  4. I mean really we've had 1 action that's technically a nothing action and the other action however you spin it you should know about Shade.
  5. Yeah but presumably that's because you have some sort of defense?
  6. I assume about your alleged peanut does nothing, and Sunflower's shoot.
  7. Can't tell if serious, joking, or joking about being joking, or serious about being joking.
  8. My Support can still do something, though back to my comment about having a tertiary plan if the lamppost got hit... I misread the action so I don't actually have that plan (the action in question is the replacement for my vetoed revive), but I do still have utility so everything's not a total wash. Just don't expect anything exciting or major.
  9. Also remember when sodas had prizes under the cap, instead of just a code you redeemed on a website? I once won four free sodas in a row.
  10. When it comes to RNG, typically, throughout my entire life, I have all the luck that you lack, so I really hope not. I'm known for rolling a clutch 20 in D&D pretty much on command.
  11. It's like Retal got home and we all decided to shut up so he can read in peace.
  12. I'm 0/2 on recent RNG, but just means my luck is bound to turn up sooner or later
  13. You mean when I was mafia? And you were lucario? Because that's what I'm basing my read on.
  14. To clarify, NOT knee-jerking is how *town* shade reacts. Realized after posting my sentence structure could be confusing.
  15. My town read comes from the fact that Shade didn't knee-jerk retailate, which is how towny-Shade acts from past experience, and the fact that your peanut killed him in the first place is pretty suspicious. Nothing since then has changed that.
  16. I mean all your complaining that we're too buddy buddy kind of implies it. If you don't think that, you should focus on convincing the one of us you think is town that the other is not instead of just whining that we're friendly.
  17. I mean.... if we're scum.... couldn't we communicate that stuff in the scum doc?
  18. No, my towncore is Myself, Shade, Retal, and KY, and me asking KY to shoot me does not change that.
  19. Being shot didn't have the intended effect, I clearly was considering being shot again.
  20. I don't know why Jeod would want to protect me. Elaborate.
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